Oil Change


New member
New "Ravine" wheels...

I am very proud of myself, I changed my oil myself yesterday. I know to most of you it is a minor operation, but for me it's a big step. I have never done such a thing.

Anyways, while picking up oil...I didn't realize how many brands/kinds of oil you can buy. For the ones who do this them selves....what kind of oil do you use? I must have spent an hour looking at every kind. I ended up with a Quaker State Synthentic (sp?)..10W-40.

Or does it even matter what kind of oil.

the Owners manual has a viscosity chart. You will want to make your Oil purchase decission based on that. I, being in the south where it doesn't get too cold, use 5W30.
Like L33TJ33P said, use the chart in the owners manual to select the viscosity. When I bought my Jeep (1983 CJ7 with 4.2 with over 100,000 miles) it used a quart every 200 to 300 miles. That equals at least ten quarts between oil changes! There was a sticker where he had taken it to a oil change place. There are good oil change places that consider the vehicle before selecting the oil to be used, but most only have one type of oil and use it on all vehicles. Here in South Texas that oil is usually 10-30w. In my Haynes manual it specifically states not to use 10w oil in my motor if the temperatrues are above 40 deg. During the summers here the lows are in the high 70s and low 80s which is much warmer than 40 deg. For temps above 40 they recomended a 30 or 40 weight oil. I changed the oil and used 40 weight oil and now it uses a quart every 1000 to 1500 miles.

As far as synthetics go, I am not a big believer that they offer much of an advantage over traditional oil if the oil and filter are changed regularly. I know that I will probably take a beating from the "I would not use anything other than synthetic in my vehicles" crowd. I have owned several Chevy trucks and SUVs with V8s and a 4.3 V6 and drove them all right up to 200,000 miles. I changed the oil every 3000 to 4000 miles and they all ran great!

Lastly, as far as brands go, I have no set opinion on that. I typically pick a brand and stick with it. I have no valid reason for this.....it's just the way I like to do things. With all of my vehicles I have used Penzoil except for a suburban that I had that had always had Exxon Superflow in it so I stuck with the Exxon oil with that truck. I say as long as it is a name brand oil, it will be fine. I also believe that these "Special 4X4 formula" and "Special SUV formula" oils are a joke.

These are all just my opinions.
Congratulations on the first oil change. Makes ya feel good, doesn't it.

I've always been a Castrol man myself. No particular reason.

I van't remember if your Jeep is New Laura but if it is, this goes to south 442 also, I decided to change to Synthetic early on. so for the first 6k I used regular oil (break in time) then at 6k I switched to synthetic "blend" and proceeded to ful synthetic at 9k. Now, I plan on every 4-5l changing my Oil no matter what the manufacturer says. I be danged if any oil stays in my Baby for more than 5k. jus not gunna happen.
south442, Thanks! It was liberating. :lol: Well, I also had a skirt on (I was going to leave this part out)...not like it's a big deal...but I was on my way to a wedding, and I didn't want to drive with out it first...so, I probably should have done it first then got dressed.

My neighbor asked if I could change his, too. YUCK!

L33TJ33P, My Jeep is very new, it was the 6000 mile change. I used the synthetic, I hope it doesn't f with ne thing.

((XM)) radio.

Hello Laura,

Congratulations on your first oil change!

If I might respectfully make a suggestion: If you are going to self maintain your Jeep, keep the oil purchase receipts and set up some sort of "maintenance journal." Whatever works for you, but something that will document the self-maintenance history of your Jeep. You might record dates, what was done, mileage etc.

I noticed in a post above that your Jeep is new and therefore likely covered by some sort of warranty. You just might need to prove your maintenance regimen to a Jeep dealer somewhere down the road.

The voice of experience is whispering that old saw about "forewarned is forearmed."

Cost of oil change supplies -- $18.75.

Dry cleaning cost for oil stained skirt -- $12.95.

The feeling of "liberation" felt by not having to pay a dealer for major repair parts and labor because you had documentation that proved your Jeep was properly maintained -- priceless!

Next week....tire rotation!

wheeling thru rivers and streams

Congrats Laura!!!!

My wife helped me replace the auto trans in her front wheel drive minivan. It took us just 6 hours start to finish.
Average mileage you get out of a fuel pump for a YJ?

Inspector-Gadget, Thanks for the advice! I will do that. Next week it's skid plates...expect no skirt, instead ripped jeans and hoodie. Then it's disconnects.

Some day it will be old news, and I will be doing all my own siht to him. Brakes, tires, lift, repairs...it will be fun - I can't wait.

Re: want to go to the paragon, but kinda leary

LauraBoston said:
I am very proud of myself, I changed my oil myself yesterday. I know to most of you it is a minor operation, but for me it's a big step. I have never done such a thing.

Anyways, while picking up oil...I didn't realize how many brands/kinds of oil you can buy. For the ones who do this them selves....what kind of oil do you use? I must have spent an hour looking at every kind. I ended up with a Quaker State Synthentic (sp?)..10W-40.

Or does it even matter what kind of oil.

congrats... one suggestion i would make.. add some slick 50 to it.. it will prolong the engine life some by reducing friction. other than that, there isnt much difference in brands of oil. some people will tell yuou synthetics are better, some will say theres no difference... from my experience adding slick 50 every 50,000 miles will lead to a long running engine.
LauraBoston said:
Next week it's skid plates...expect no skirt, instead ripped jeans and hoodie. Then it's disconnects...
...Some day it will be old news, and I will be doing all my own siht to him. Brakes, tires, lift, repairs...it will be fun - I can't wait.

'At a girl, Laura! You are Jiffy Lube's worst nightmare! :lol: Congrats!

just throwing in my 2 cents....i heard there was a study done that found that vehicles using Mobil 1 synthetic showed almost no wear on internal engine components after 200,000 miles! I know that sounds kind of outlandish, but if there's any truth to it, it's well worth the $20 I pay every 4000 miles for a 5 quart bottle of the stuff.

also, excellent work Laura. not sure how you managed to stay clean in your dress though. no matter how careful I am, I always come away from an oil change looking like I just worked 8 hours in a mechanic's shop. :)
How did you know oil changing in a skirt was my turn on? The other is wearing nothing but my bruins jersey!

Awesome, wanna do mine! and whats wrong with the skid plates?
Nothing wrong with the skid plates, just puttin in oil pan skid plate, and diff plate

John, love. You know I am nothing to get excited about :shock:

Congrats on your first oil change, Laura. It does feel good. Mine finally came due for one just recently. Using Pennzoil 10W30, seems to be working fine. I'd also like to congratulate the rest of the posters for not posting their immediate illicit responses to a woman changing her own oil in her Jeep with a skirt on. I know many thoughts were going through our heads, but we kept it clean. Way to go guys!