offroading at night


New member
Not a good idea. Went tonight it all started out fun til we got lost then went off of the trail and ended up sliding down the side of a giant hill. And after sliding down that we got stuck in a gulch and had to dig one of my tires out of the dirt. After we got ourselves out of that we went off on foot to find a trail before we decided to take the jeep down anymore hills and eventually we did and finally went home.

I've had many fun/bad times going out a little too late.. I've been stuck for hours in the middle of things that weren't meant to be crossed with anything less than a skidder. I realized that after. :p
Our club does some night wheeling, generally in the summer, and always on a trail we are farmiliar with and groups of at least 4 rigs.
Night wheeling can be a lot of fun if you are prepared & know the area. I'd suggest never wheeling alone (only 1 jeep) night or day.

Haha yeah. It was all fun once we finally got out, but during it was pretty scary stuff.
Buddy system 2 or more rigs safer plus helpful if get stuck
Ahhh, but you learned from it. Add it to your gray matter and your future trips will be fun and you'll be better prepared.