Officially Trailer Trash


New member
Just got back from the R.V. dealer with our new trailer. Waisting no time either...goin to camp in Monterey for the long weekend.

Congrats....what kind of trailer did you get....can you pull it with your Jeep?
Nah, owning an RV / trailer doesn't make you trailer trash - it's when it is no longer movable (i.e. up on blocks), and you use it as your permanent residence.

I'm hoping to get a popup myself in the near future. Hopefully my Jeep can tow that out on camping trips.
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It's a Keystone 31BHS (bunkhouse/slide) model. There's no chance I'll be towing it with the Jeep. We like to go to Pismo to camp and ride quads so this will be mostly for that. It's not a toyhauler, but I can get both quads in the truck and still able to pull the trailer to the coast for the weekend.

Whenever we take the Jeep camping it's always up to the mountains and most places are barely big enough for a full size truck, let alone an R.V. too. Plus, with the kids, it's a lot nicer to be able to cook all the food and stuff with a regular kitchen.