OFF TOPIC-Registered Sex Offenders in your State


New member
So, anyone ever thought about checking the sexual offenders registry in your state or your zip code? If you care about you or your families personal safety, might be a good idea!

You'll be surprised what you learn, for sure! Like I just learned that I have over 80 registered sex offenders in my zipcode and the one across town. 80!

The worst part?? I know three of them on the list. One is an extended inlaw, one used to be my neighbor when I was a little girl (isn't THAT scary?) and one is a boy I was in high school with.

WOWZER! I'm glad we can check on these sorts of things myself. I just wanted to post it for concerned citizens.

I know it's not jeep related, but it still seemed important to me especially when a plain jane like me finds out she knows three registered sex offenders.

Here is a website link to where you can track them by state or zip code:


Kinda makes you wonder who's living next door, huh.

This made me think of a guy I know who got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 17 and she was a few weeks from being 15.... anyhow, after the birth of their baby (while still at the hospital) the state came in and took statements and because of all this, he can never be in any position that oversees children. Can't be a teacher and several other careers/positions he's not allowed to do. In this case, no one pressed charges, and the two were completely happy and stayed together for quite a while.

Oh well... My rambling was sort of off topic in an off topic post. I didn't really have a point to all of that, except I guess, that sometimes the state interprets laws quite oddly for different situations...
now and then, i check up on my area... i found out that a guy i know had an offender working for him... at a skating rink... and shortly after, there were reports of him trying to get kids to come to his place to "play games or watch movies"...

I think it is a good idea to have that public...
I checked awhile back cause i was bored, didn't find much in my area or anyone i knew.

no one i know, but theres like 6 of them that live in the same apartment complex in my zip code. they all seem to live close to each other
i was in a crime and deviance class, and my group actually did a presentation on this stuff. one of the girls in my group found out that there was a registered offender a few streets away from our college. she also had a print out of how many offenders were in each county in PA and a website where she got all that info. i was going to take a look at it, but never got around to it.
Well I looked and I did not know any of them. However now I know who to run down if I see em broken down on the road along the way through life! tug