OFF TOPIC-Lady Jeepers Advice Needed

Very well written truths... and supported by evidence!

Gadget - Congratulations to you and your wife on your anniversary. You are a much needed example to young couples.

Inspector-Gadget said:
Here is a picture that will help illustrate the impossible to understand psychological differences between the human male and female.


Although you might have noticed that the control panels of women are somewhat similar – Nnnnnooooo!!!! -- don’t be deceived by external appearance. You should know that behind the front panel, each and every woman is differently hard-wired – no two models are exactly alike.

Well, then I guess it is a very good thing that I'm so knowledgeable about electronics and know how to read schematics. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Been married this time for 25 years. Relationships are as different as people. But a few things, that have worked for me. I work hard at trying to get along, but sometimes remind her, that I´m not a total chump. Warn her of the consequences, if she insists on a position, I find unreasonable. Give her a chance to do the right thing, then don´t back down, no matter what.
My criteria for friendship, are as simple as they are total. Bail me out of jail, right or wrong. Is she gonna be there, if you get terminal cancer and vice versa. Is she a good mother to our children? Wether she is the ideal spouse, is kind of secondary in my list of priorities. Having too much in common, in my mind, makes for a weaker team. A team that compliments (her strong points, together with yours) is stronger than the individual, and is more appropriate, than marrying a clone of yourself (or your mother :D ).
She is my best friend and would die for her children. My ideal soul mate, would probably bore me to tears, in short order anyway :idea: .
The only thing that has ever seriously, dented our relationship, is she will sometimes, let her girlfriends and/or sisters, influence her into taking unreasonable positions. Two or three against one. It usually ends, when I remind her, all of her girlfriends and/or sisters, are divorced.
Nice to have a mediator around, a GrandMa that has been married to the same man forever, is often a good choice.

Well, hello there Inspector!! Good to see you around again. Hopefully you will stick around and tell us all where you've been (we all are very currious!!)
I say do what makes you happy. If it was meant to be, she will be happy because you did what you wnated to. Sometimes what makes me happy has nothing to do with my gf, sometimes I can't imagine being happy w/o her.

What can you do for her dog anyway? She should understand and be glad you will be having fun.
Some guys go through life like that.
When she asks to marry, just slide the check to her side of the table and hit the door running.