OFF TOPIC-Lady Jeepers Advice Needed


New member
Ok Jeeping ladys heres me situation... g/f of a year tomorrow and well i couldnt love her anymore and i try to do n-ething in my power for her and well she does a lot for me. Now we have our fair share of fights but normally its over big stuff lately it has been the little things... why is it that so close to a milemarker in our relationship is it that our lifes get the best of us? We were supposed to go to Rausch Creek from fr-sun but now her dog is hurt and she can't leave him alone :roll: someone please help me out on how to save my relationship from taking the big plunge....pms preffered but will take a reply on here... :cry: Most of the people on here who have been wheeling with me know her and know how much we love each other...I Just cant lose her someone help me please

throw a picnic,
make a video for her,
make it seem like it is outdoors in her house.
get something for her dog.
make her something.

there is a lot u can do man, trust me. you'll think of something.
dude its to the point where if i do i think she will throw it away sometimes i think shes better off with someone else because i try and try and all i do is get ripped all teh time
82 CJ7 Relay?

(Old guy puts his hand on young guy's shoulder)

Steve my man, Love is an action, not a feeling. The feelings will come and go, but they will come back again if the action is there.

If this gal is someone you want to hang on to, you feel your relationship with her is in trouble, and it means that much to you, maybe ditch the wheelin' weekend and help her nurse her dog back to health. Tell her she was more important.

Is she? Which would bother you more, missing the trail ride or missing her for good? Ask yourself that and you make the call.

If you want something bad enough you'll go ahead and get it.

Ok, here's the official invite...Go ahead and flame me guys. :lol:

well see harry she tells me if i dont go she'll be mad...and you've met her and youve seen how me and her act...I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Engine clearance

not a good option right now white... just not an option
I was not joking.. I had the same thing happen to me.. So I ended it. Now she realises how much I helped her..
phatyaspen said:
all i do is get ripped all teh time
maybe you should lay off the greenery my friend :lol: :lol:

how old are you, that would probably help me come up w. somehting, im guessing early 20's... ive heard that for chicks for some reason find it romantic to go back to where you had your first date on your 1 year, like the first restaraunt you 2 went to or see the movie you first saw together again... if that doesnt re-kindle it then you may need to start considering the possibility it's not meant to last any longer
(Old guy puts his hand on young guy's shoulder)

Steve my man, Love is an action, not a feeling. The feelings will come and go, but they will come back again if the action is there.

If this gal is someone you want to hang on to, you feel your relationship with her is in trouble, and it means that much to you, maybe ditch the wheelin' weekend and help her nurse her dog back to health. Tell her she was more important.

Is she? Which would bother you more, missing the trail ride or missing her for good? Ask yourself that and you make the call.

If you want something bad enough you'll go ahead and get it.

Ok, here's the official invite...Go ahead and flame me guys.
How can you flame that advice, TC? Hey, it's all about priorities. Love is such a personal thing. TC gives good advice - 'bout all I can say is "good luck, phatyaspen!". Women are strange creatures - even stranger than Jeeps. And men can be real a-holes. Kinda all depends on what you want.
How long have you been together? 4 years? (You know, there's a 4 year curse...and a scientific reason for it....really)

Really dude, you have to ask yourself, what is she worth to YOU. Do you really value her, and love her enough to get through the tough times. Does she value YOU enough to understand that your excursions are as important to you as her dog is to her.

There's always 2 sides to every arguement. "you don't love me enough to help me with my dog" and "you don't love me to keep our promise of going 4 wheeling."

Are you her only friend right now? I've always had a problem of getting involved with very dependant girls, due to the fact that once in a relationship, they for one reason or another have dumped their friends. I would never do that because my friends are tooo important to me. Thus, if I ain't around, she has nobody to hang around with. It's gets super intense that way.

It sounds like she's too important for you to dump.

Either way, I sympathize and hope for a good decision on your part. I by no means am a relationship expert. Women are a bigger mystery to me than just about anything out there. I'd have a better chance of figuring out the JFK assassination.


all problems resolved... we are all better... just ahd our anniversary and it went great... thanks guys for all the support on or off topic you guys are great :cry:
Congrats on fixing things up dude! The one big thing I can advise anyone on is this: IF things aren't good or you aren't sure- Don't get married or get pregnant! Both are stressfull major life events that change a couple forever and are bound not to make things any better. Most times if there are problems first, things will go downhill fast in these situations. Maybe this is a bit negative but it's a proven thing! Everyone things Love will conquer all, but it doesn't. People don't change and situations don't improve things, they make it harder for people to deal with.

Just my .02

Lady is right! Words of wisdom from tug!!!! "or B/S how ever you see it"

Never marry one you can live with only marry one you can not live with out!

I don't want to comment on this, I have had a run of bad luck with women that has lasted for 29 years. If you EVER figure love out please inform me.
Dear Phatyaspen,

Congratulations to you and your girlfriend on weathering a storm, but there will always be storms gathering somewhere on your horizon. Those storms will mature and crash down upon you without warning in the future.

By way of weathering those future storms, you need to know that no one can give you “sure-fire” and specific advice on the topic of the male-female relationship. The solutions to the problems inherent to any long-term you-to-female relationship lie entirely within you. All the solutions you will ever need are there – within you -- waiting to be discovered. Seek always, first and last, Phatyaspen’s counsel.

It is a waste of time and effort to seek specific advice from others by way of trying to understand and cope with a woman. To paraphrase a Borg, “Advisement is futile.” Here is a picture that will help illustrate the impossible to understand psychological differences between the human male and female.


Although you might have noticed that the control panels of women are somewhat similar – Nnnnnooooo!!!! -- don’t be deceived by external appearance. You should know that behind the front panel, each and every woman is differently hard-wired – no two models are exactly alike. Hence, the futility of seeking specific relationship advice. Nobody else knows her as well as you. Look only to yourself for advice. No one else has your best interest so to heart.

Thus also, you see, there is no possibility that you will ever truly understand women in general, or even a particular woman. They are all way too complicated and beyond the brain capacity of mere mortal man to comprehend and understand.

Jeeps are simple. Women are complicated.

Frankly, I like it that way. The big engineer in the sky knew exactly what he was doing during the inception, design and construction stages.

All is not lost, however. Luckily, detailed technical knowledge is not required to achieve success. The art of dealing with a woman is easily explained.

The “always works” generic solution is…

Find one woman to love, cherish and care for -- above all else -- to include yourself, and that woman should be one who will do the same for you.

Achieve that, and the rest will take care of itself, true love will conquer all, and together you will weather all storms.

Love is indeed a beautiful thing – almost as beautiful as a fresh “Blimpie” sub-sandwich.

It can be done, and I offer proof: this evening, the Gadget-Guy and his lovely and loving bride will celebrate the thirty-sixth anniversary of their wedding.

And they said it wouldn’t last…

Best regards,


You're BACK!!!!!!!!!! Where'd you go? Why'd you leave?!!!!!!!!!