Not if, but when....

B'ham Jeeper

New member
Happened last night! :x Cut the back window and crawled on in and emptied the glove compartment. The only thing of value he got was my ipod shuffle. The stuff he crawled over to get to nothing was worth more, like my tow strap and d-rings !! He did get my registration which bothers me, but I hope they just trashed that.

The police came and he had already been to one other house on the street for the same thing. It was early when I left so I am curious if any more got hit.

Already called the insurance folks and a new window is on order, should be good to go in a couple of days.
Sorry to hear that.That is one reason why I do not lock my doors.Ipod shuffle $40 the songs you paid for $250.that is the worse part of losing an Ipod.

Sorry to hear that...I had a CJ5 broken into once & all they took were a few of my kids hand held games,but they tore my console apart to get them.
Mine actually has a "real" alarm on long as you try to open the door! Oh well, thinking about a proximity sensor to set the thing off...or maybe add a "shocking" feature... :lol:

A friend of mine actually kept a Boa Constrictor in his Jeep. It got broken into once, but nothing was stolen... :D