No Jeep


New member
So this guy I worked with in DC who was selling me his 87 YJ has yet to come through. I was assured he would have it done by Thursday, which was my last day working in Washington DC (No more 100+ mile commute :D ).

No Jeep Thursday. He said it was done, but he had to put the hardtop on, so he would call me Fri or Sat so we could meet and get the deal done. It's now Sunday. Still no call, still no Jeep.

This isn't worth the hassle or frustration, and I'm done with this dude. I'll start looking for another one on Tuesday.

Did they Fix it ?Or did they say they did and Take my $$$ ?

it will have square headlights and a short wheelbase.
Dont give up dude! Call him and make sure he is aound at work(that is where the jeep is right?) and talk to him face to face. Putting a hard top on isnt hard at all. Then say, see ya bye and th you leave happy with the jeep.
I agree with Sully. It might be annoying that he hasn't kept his word in terms of timing, but if there's a simple fix as you may discover if you talk to him face to will be less of a hassle for you and you'll drive home happy with a new set of square headlights.

It is hip to be square. Tug pointed out, you also have an Option B which may not be all that bad if things don't work out. :)

From my experience, so many people (buyers and sellers) in car transactions tend to either be flaky, misrepresent items, it's hard to meet up with them, or some combination of the three. So starting over can be a crap shoot.

This Jeep is only $500. Granted it has it's share of problems, but I figured with a hardtop and full doors it was worth $500 no matter what. I've been dealing with this guy's excuses for over a month now. I've had it. I guess if he calls tomorrow I'll still buy it, but the tags on it expire tomorrow so now I have the problem/expense of getting it home. He seemed to really need to get rid of it - I just don't get it. :?

White - If it's a cheap one, I may be interested. I'm looking for a fixer-upper.

Sully and Special K - I know that makes the most sense, but I can only hear "tomorrow" so many times without telling someone where to stick their Jeep!

Tug - Worst part is he's a hell of a nice guy, in almost 3 years of working with him he's been cool. the thought has crossed my mind though :oops:

Mingez - I can't afford the mods for a Hummer, besides, I would hate it every time I had to have a Jeep to get me unstuck!
Ya, Stinky's jeep would be more then 500.00 .
Thats a really good deal, Keep at him dont let it get away....
You know it's a good does he. If you back out, after it's running somebody else is going to be more than willing to pay alot more than $500 for it. I'd go see him and take my bad attitude with me, he made the deal and he should stand behind it.

Some times even a Nice Guy needs a reminder of what happens when you just plain ol screw up. I know of one real "nice guy" that most likely did not mean to but just screwed me over real good. He has that punch in the mouth coming next time I get close enough to make good solid contact with the poor soul. hehehe.

Now I don't want to come off here sounding all redneck and as one to use fighting over other menas of getting your point across. I mean I guess I am a bit of a redneck but that is not a bad thing there are worse things to be, but it has been a long long time sence I popped anyone. Just some times you just got to resort to the ultimate un politicaly correctness to reset some poor smo's prespective on life. For their own good of course. tug :lol:
I wish I knew where the hell he lives. I could drop by and find out what the hell is going on! I've left messages all weekend.

Yeah if this doesn't go through I'd say he definately got me good. In my mind a deal is a deal, and I passed up buying another because of waiting on this one, not to mention it was the deciding factor on selling the 4.5" lift that I was going to put on my XJ.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt 'till I get ahold of him.
Tug, that doesn't make you a redneck. Okay maybe a little :wink: , BUT.....In todays society where schoolkids are shooting each other over which Power Ranger is the coolest, I for one would appreciate a few more people who are man enough to approach their problems in this time tested non-lethal way of solving those unsolvable differences that we have from time to time. There's a big difference between beating somebody with the intention of ending or ruining their lives and simply giving them a much needed "wake-up call".

Get ahold of him and tell him you will head down and help him put the top on when you pick it up. I wouldn't worry about the tags. If you buy it they will usually let you go. Just make sure you have a title, or bill of sale with you when you drive it home.