No Heat!!!


New member
Re: how to tell the difference?

I just got done messing with my heater. Still doesn't work!!! Changed thermostat, checked all cables, hooked hoses to an external heater core which did not get hot, and still no heat. Any idea will be welcomed!! 1986 CJ 7 from California.

PASmokeater Update Report

Like I said befor I am haven the same trouble. Tomorow I plan to run a garden hose to the top heater hose loosened from the thermostat end and pump water through out the core hopen to get it primed out. Will let you know how that works for me. Something has to give soon it's getting cold. Tug :wink:
Hey Tug, Gonna do the same thing in the morning. Alsp gonna jack the front end up as far as my floor jack will lift it. thanks and good luck.

i still have yet to get some antifreeze in there.. i'm running about 95% water right now... and we've already gotten our first 7 inches of snow
wanted BFG all terain 33 x 12.50 x 15

Update on "no heat"!! ran water through system, still no heat. Heater core is fine. Bypassed heater core and ran both heater hoses together. Heater hoses do not get hot. Unplugged heater hoses 1 at a time and ran air through them, no restrictions. Getting ready by another jacket.
Hello 2Jeep,

Since we are at the grasping at straws stage, you might consider pulling the thermostat just for test purposes. Since you have made no mention of engine overheating, I have to assume the water pump is OK.

Beyond the t-stat removal for testing suggestion, I too am stumped.


O.K. here is update #2. I did put on a new thermostat last night. However, after doing all I did on the first update, I decided to check the water pump. What I found out, is that the water pump I pulled off is good. BUT, the "impeller" is different and facing the other way than the one pictured in Parts pictures. According the that website, that water pump that I pulled off is for a non-serpentine belt system. Sooooooooooo, I am going to purchase the correct pump, cross my fingers and toes and see what happens. BTW, I bought the CJ this way. Will someone out there give me an AMEN???
What will be the chance of this happening to us both? I hope you get this figures out soon cause it is getting cold in the evenings here. hehehe I went ahead and bought a caped T to put in line on my heater hose tonight so I can open the cap and see if there is a flow going thru the hose to the heater core. Thsi is getting sort of silly. Just glad I am not alone. tug

You know, I have worked on a lot of vehicles before but nothing like this. I will buy the water pump tomorrow and try to install tomorrow night. I have to work outside so if it gets cold, the CJ can wait. But I do need it for this weekend, going pign.
is your Jeep overheating? if not, then I don't think the pump is the problem. Why don't you try another thermostat? The one you may have put on there may not be functioning correctly. Make sure you install it correctly. Also makse sure that the heater core is not being bypassed. If you purchased it used, the previous owner may have bypassed it because it was leaking. Just a thought. -al
Thanks Al, the heater core is not bypassed. I tried it without a thermostat, even hooked up an external heater core. The fins on the water pump I have now are different that the ones I am going to buy. The fins on the water pump I have now is designed to spin clockwise while the one I need is designed to spin counter clockwise. The belt is routed properly.

if the water pump is somehow running in reverse, it COULD still cool the system.. but it would pump cooled water through the heater core first, then into the engine
Anybody heard of

That is what I am thinking. The lower radiator hose was alot cooler that the top. Thanks.
OK here is an update on my ol tub! There was a small leak in the radiator and I have sodered the seam and it is holding fine now. Was rifht at the top and I nevernoticed it before. Now I have heat go figure. Still not as hot as I would like so I will bump up to a hotter thermostat and see what that does. I guess there was not enough presure to make the heat do its thing. Sick of cooling systems now! tug

Bought a new water pump. It is different that the one I had on. The one I had on is designed to spin clockwise while the new one is designed to spin counterclockwise. Soooooooo the way I see it, the old one would pull water from the bottom, throught the intake into the heater core THEN the motor. I have a 3 core radiator that really keeps my jeep cool, but not cool enought that the heater shouldn't work. It is 7:00 p.m. now so I am going to put the pump on. Later.
Safarie Mirrors

Well mine turned out to work so well it is ideling in the driveway right now and I have a half a dozen loafs of home made sour dough bread baken in the front floor boar as we speak. hehehe Tug :wink:

You definetely needed that pressure to make the heater work. good to know you are staying a bit warm. The good thing about my Jeep is that it has an excellent heater, not that I need it. The worst it gets is about 35 degrees for about a couple of nights, and then it is back to the 50's -al