Night Wheelen


New member
Well I just got home from doing a bit of night time off-roading and I must say I had a blast :D It has been a while since I've been able to do any serious off pavement driving and this was the first time I was able to do any hard core off-roading at night. I went with a new kid from work that just got his 97 TJ Sport a few months ago. He had never done any serious wheeling so I told him about a little spot I knew about ten minutes from work and we figured we would check it out after work. So we got off just after 11:00 pm and we headed out to the trail. Another co-worker come along with me in my rig too. The place we went to is a sewer acces trail between a neighborhood and an industrial park. The path is really rutty and since it has been raining there was plenty of water and mud to got slushing through. The road was also really overgrown since the last time I ran it (which was like six months ago). It was great to have someone else in their rig with me too, since the few times before I was by myself. We got all kinds of muddy and had a totlly blast. The thing is since we went off the cuff I didn't have my camera so I don't have any cool pictures to post :( But we might go again tomorrow night :lol:

we've got a few spots around here that are MUCH more fun in the dim lit hours... we hit them about 2 times a month... it makes for a more interesting time
We dont have to many spots to play in.But we have one pretty good spot,only problem is it is private property.It would be fun to run it at night though.Being as it is a river bed.
oh we've hit our share of private property... but its always accidentally from the inside out TO the road

Midnight runs are so much fun! the trees are a little tighter onthe trails the rocks are a bit bigger and the dids are deeper it seams. Dark with heavy rain and cold and wind and stuff all make it better or worse how ever you look at it. Most of the night runs here are to go in a pull out some one stuck! I love that to though so you can pick and pry at the ego of the poor souls. tug
yeah, most of our night runs start as a rescue mission.. then when the victim is recovered... we join in the fun, taking turns trying to overcome the obstacle that brought us there in the first place
Yeah this was the first time I ran this trail at night and boy o boy it was way fun. I really got to put my KC Daylighters to the test and they held up like a champ and really help out. My friend only has the head lamps on his rig (I have fogs too, six lights is just great :lol: ) and when he lead the way on the third pass it was a bit more slow going since he couldn't see as well. Any way can not wait to do it again.

Wheelin at night is always the best!! I love it!!

I am going to mount a few 35 watt floods under the body for some left and right rock lights. Maybe update the reverse light action too.

Waaaaaahoooooooo Sounds like a blast!!