Nice rep for XJ's! : )

This is one of those really non-important threads, just something funny to talk about lol
So today I was drivin around on the trails near my house, when I saw a 70's model CJ driving in my direction down the same narrow trail I was on. When we got near each other I pulled off to the side of the trail to let him pass and I made the mistake of driving into and stopping right in the middle of a huge sugar sand pit. When I started to pull up out of it I couldn't quite make it going forward so I threw it in reverse (by this time the guy in the CJ had stopped, probably thinking he would have to pull my little 2 wheel drive XJ out) I started in reverse and got right beside him before I couldn't go any further, I noticed he was kind of smiling at me spinning like hell lol, I looked at him, then reached up and switched my AW4 from "comfort" to "power", put it in 1st, and crawled right up out of it with no problem:D

Srry for the rant guys but my point in all this is never underestimate an XJ! :shades: So have any of yall ever been in a similar situation?