Today's "Nice price or crack pipe" at jalopnik is a 2010 Custom SEMA Show Jeep that's going for $70,000
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For $70,000, What Would Chuck Norris Drive?

this SEMA Jeep is a roundhouse kick to the senses, featuring wheels so big you could drive longhorns through the spokes, and pocked with enough lights to out-shine the rocket's red glare. Additionally, the actual headlamps are modified Infiniti Q45 units which look, appropriately enough, like Gatling guns. The litany of modifications made to this quattroporte Wrangler reads like a SEMAgasm, and includes Body Armor bumpers and doors that really butch it up, the the latter actually coming with riff-raff repelling spikes. Of course it's been jacked up, and the whole thing has been given a black and white paint scheme that surprisingly doesn't make it look like a cop car.
Inside, the stock seats - albeit custom tailored - sit amidst more special paintwork, and the white painted center stack is a perfect example of why Chrysler doesn't do this at the factory. Perhaps seeming a good idea at the time, it looks less attractive than the stock black plastic, and more like something out of a ‘70s sci-fi flick. Still, when you're this bad-ass looking, you don't sweat the small stuff.
Perhaps the one-off lift kit was installed before anybody got around to any engine mods, and by then it was just too damn high to reach, but regardless this Jeep sports the stock 3.8 V6 which is good for 205-bhp and 240 lb-ft of torque. Behind that is Chrysler's 4-speed automatic, a transmission choice that will free up your hands and legs for the spasms of joy that will invariably result from driving this beast.
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For $70,000, What Would Chuck Norris Drive?