New Vaccum Source Needed


New member
Ok..... Willys truck has a Holley single vac. 650. I just (today) got a new power brake setup installed (that sucked, but fun). PROBLEM: I need anouther vaccum source. I have on pipe plug in my intake. Am I right in thinking that I can pick up a vaccum source from there? I assume ANYTHING on the intake in a vaccum source. Am I wrong. Somebody learn me something. Thanks, Brad

What do you intend for the extra vacuum source?. If it's for the distributor vac. advance, i would look for the switched vacuum nipple from the carburator. If you absolutely need one out of the intake, i would suggest drilling a hole on the intake and thread in a new vacuum fitting.
It's for a brake booster for the Willys. The old system worked, but that was about it. I figure I'd up-grade and be done with it. The vaccum advance is hooked up already to the correct port you spoke of. I've got a 3/8's plug in the rear of the intake now. I assume this is ok to draw a vac. from? Do I need a filter of sorts seeing that the air at that point potentially has fuel in it? I know it's a vaccum, and should only draw air in, but just in case maybe? Thanks.
Just make sure the port is NOT on the bottom of the intake for the vacuum feed for the brake booster to prevent any contaminants such as fuel or oil from getting sucked into the port. Also, don't forget to install a one way valve on the booster vac. supply line. Other than that , everything should be peachy.