new to JeepZ


New member
just got here.... had a 2004 X, but just signed off on the 4 door 07' Rubi today..... I'll get pictures when I can.... I just have pictures of my old one.... which I unfortunately had to trade in.


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welcome!!! curious to hear feedback from a 07 4 door Rubi member.....they are starting to grow on me. PICS PICS!

Welcome to Jeepz!! I'll echo the previous sentiments about getting some real off-road reports from the 4-door.

Tell us a bit more about yourself. Where ya from? Whaddaya do? Married? Kids? Other interests? Annoying habits?

We're generally a pretty good bunch around here, though we do have our moments (I'm one that occasionally causes those moments, but I'm getting better). I think you'll like it here.
not much to tell.... I live in Cleveland Ohio, which makes wheeling pretty tough, but I'm not afraid of a little road trip. No kids, just got married a little over a month ago (which may make wheeling a little more difficult too, although she doesn't mind it, she might get mad at me busting up the new jeep!) I push a pencil all day at work, and I'm starting a new job in a few weeks with another company so I don't have to commute 58 miles each way anymore.

Welcome to Jeepz and enjoy that new Rubi. Be the first here to post pics of a muddy TK Rubi!!! ;)