New Pope

terrymason said:
I'm not as worried about the pope's age as I am for CNN. For a while there, they were "All pope, all the time". Now I'm not sure what they're gonna do. I'm surprised it was such a big deal, seeing as only about a quarter of the US is catholic

I think they said 1.1 billion people are catholic. Thats enough to get CNN into full pope mode. Or maybe you were being sarcastic. Its so hard to read on internet forums.

RE: Stolen TJ Doors

That link above clames that there are 61,000,000 baptised catholics in the US, about 26% of the population. I don't know how many of those would still claim to be catholic.

catholics as a percentage of states:

RE: Jeep defect questions

graewulf said:
TwistedCopper said:
graewulf said:
Faith? blah! not when it comes to religion. I place my faith in the real world.

Obviously you are a secularist. so why any concern or interest in what the Catholics do?

Why?? because most of our elected officials are (unfortunately) catholic...

Just incase anyone was wondering (since someone mentioned it to me). This was not meant to attack catholics.. I was trying to point out that they seem to hold the balance of power, even though they are not necessarily the majority.
RE: Jeep defect questions

graewulf wrote:
...... most of our elected officials are ....... catholic...

I think your preception on the majority faith of elected officials is directly proportional to the region you are standing in at the time. My officials seem to be heavy protestant.


road rage wrecked my DD today....

90Xjay said:
graewulf wrote:
...... most of our elected officials are ....... catholic...

I think your preception on the majority faith of elected officials is directly proportional to the region you are standing in at the time. My officials seem to be heavy protestant.


Mine too. Well, not heavy, really. More like mildly overweight.
I think they said 1.1 billion people are catholic. Thats enough to get CNN into full pope mode.

LOL :roll: that is a funny quote.

Personally, I'm not catholic so I have no real strong opinions on this matter. I admired the old pope for being such a mover and shaker in his papacy. Otherwise, I have no feelings.

I read that over 1 billion people (and growing) are catholics. I also remember reading that some theologist believe that cathlocisim (sp) is growing so much because John Paul taught so strongly about human suffering and it's role in getting us to heaven. There are a lot of poor and suffering people around the world and that appealed to them. If that kind of teaching continues, who knows how many Catholics there will be someday because human suffering is never going to end.

Not sure which way it will go in the future, but I heard the new pope has an email address like John Paul did.

Maybe you shoud write him. :lol:


RIP Pope John Paul-II.

The man tried to make the world a better place for all people.

Strip away the theology and the theogony of any mainstream religion, and that simple act -- doing good for all others -- will be at the very core of that religion.

Surely that is something that we can all agree is good.

Perhaps, people saw that goodness in him. Perhaps, that is why John Paul's popularity transcended Catholicism. He embodied a quality which people of all faiths admired: John Paul was an inherently good man.

