New Member


New member

Hey, Guys im new to the site and just started driving a jeep about a month ago, i have a few questions which will probably sound stupid to you . first off, i have a 92 Jeep Cherokee Lerado 4.0 Staight 6, and it is as strong as a ox but has a few faults the top of the motor looks like it was in a oil spill, so i checked the air filter and it looks like oils been sucked into it threw the filter its not completely soaked just one corner i was wondering where my leak is? if i have one, second after you turn off the cheap it has a loud clicking noise for a few mins. the quits someone said it could be the fuel injectors? they need to be cleaned? and my back left door is jamed shut will not open either way or even if i pull both handles at the same time i dont know how i can get it open, and one more, how muchs HP does a stock 92 Cherokee have? thanks so much if u can help me[addsig]


Nice to meet ya.Im sorry but I know nothing about cherokees,but I think that dingus can help you out. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]

you will want to remove your valve cover and clean that out pretty well... the vent system in your engine needs to run right for your oil flow/air flow to work as designed. this is not a tough job... I did mine in less than an hour... if/when you do it... make sure the integrated pcv system is cleaned very well and able to pass air... make sure all lines running in/out of the cover are free of carbon or any other debris...

the door... my old comanche did the same thing... you may have to take your door panel off (my LEAST favorite thing to do on a vehicle) and check your linkages... if you have a fallen rod... you can grab that, pull it, and get the door open... after that... you will want to reconnect or replace your linkages or entire internals...

you should have about 185 - 190 HP stock[addsig]

Abandon Hope All Ye That Enter Here. Just kidding You have found the center of the Jeepin Universe. Good Luck Tug[addsig]


Welcome to the heart of the JEEP lifestyle![addsig]

yeah, the oil in your airbox is caused by the PCV system being clogged. its pretty normal... i just deal with mine. welcome to the board! the clicking noise is your catalytic converter... which is also common to have it click while it cools down, its just the metal expanding. i had my drivers door get the seatbelt jammed in it, and i just crawled in the passenger side, pulled the handle, and threw a shoulder into it. popped right open. 92 is the best year for the early XJ's in my opinion... its when the High Output 4.0's were made... which have 190 HP and 222 lb-ft torque. congrats!

and welcome
This is a great board, in my opinion. Everyone's really helpful!!!!!!!

Also, there are no stupid questions about Jeeps. They're a strange animal and very tempermental. You'll learn that soon.



Welcome to the board! Have fun and enjoy - Patti ;-) [addsig]

Ok, My freind aslo owns a jeep so he helped me today i also got the back door open it happend to be that it was something wrong with it and it wont unlock or lock with the power locks, he also checked the oil that was in the filter he also said a PVC pipe needs to be cleaned, as for the clicking noise it wasnt the CAT it comes from the engine towards the top and its really also looking for a lift kit i dont want a expensive one cuz im low on cash, but a guy at the shop said to go with ProCom Lifts but my freind says they start to sag after a while, he told me to go with Rubix Con Express lifts(sp?), he said their a little expensive but wont sag and come with alot of parts..he also told me that my jeep was refered as a XJ he said their code names that Chrystler uses for all kinds of models of cars which i did not know, and if anyone else owns a 92 Cherokee the map lights for the top console dont work and their the kinda lights you push to turn them on and i cant figure out how to open them to change light bulbs, so today was a good day for the cheap after a nice wash and wax talk to you guys later and thanks for the help[addsig]

the clicking sounds like it might be a thrown rod. is it just a click like somethings hitting against plastic or is it a little deeper kind of like a knock? if it keeps up you may want to have that professionally looked at. thrown rods are no fun and you dont want to have it sieze up and shoot something through the transmission, block or even hood.

OK disregard that, i misread it and didnt the that the clicking was AFTER the car was off. and yea what dingus said, its just something cars do, never had a car that didnt, specially on hot days, i would agree it seems to come somewhere from the engine, but its no worry. reminds me of a story with my mom, when she got her new car (explorer limited) she came running in one day and was talking about it making some awful groaning noise when it turned off and sounding like something was wrong with the exhaust. i went out there and we couldnt get it to do it again, later that day i was driving it and turned it off at the bank or someplace and i heard what she was talking about. i walked around to the back of the car and squatted down to have a look. didnt have any idea what it was. i started to stand back up and noticed that under the limited badge it said "all wheel drive" and "air ride" it hit me then that it was the air suspension pump or valve or something releasing the air. not a knockout story but its nice to find out that things you think are problems are just common things particular to different cars.

edited by: jeepmaster, Mar 26, 2003 - 03:27 PM[addsig]


Welcome to the board. Like Dingus said, the problem with oil in the airbox is a clogged ccv line. Mine was clogged in the air valve on the intake. The lines are always getting plugged with crap. The clicking soud may be what mine does after running it for awhile, this is the exhaust cooling and makes a clicking sound........Good Luck.......Bullet

edited by: Bullet3600, Mar 26, 2003 - 04:46 PM[addsig]

welcome! oil in the air cleaner - ccv for sure. common problem. clean your ccv (pcv on other engines) like dingus outlines.

do you like your jeep?

cool aren't they.

makes you wonder why you waited so long. . . [addsig]


I love my jeep, i just have a few minor things to do, i took it to tuffy because if i am doing a speed over 45 and hit the smallest bump my steering wheel will go bonkers and feels like the tires are coming off, and tuffy said their the axel joints, but my freind who has a jeep aslo and is a wrench head told me the axel joints should not do that and told me its my Track Bar, so i took it to another shop he told me to order a track bar from some where cheap,, and he will just charge me labor, where can i get a track bar? should i go through with this or is it fine to drive it like that for a while?[addsig]

Clean out your ccv lines and your clicking noise will go away, its just presure thats built up. The same thing happend to me. If your lines are blocked it can't breath so it pushes oil out your seals. Make sure you pcv valve rattles when you shake it, if not get a new one. ;-) welcome aboard [addsig]

Howdy - This is a reply to Jeep Addict
The only stupid question is the one that nobody asked!
Jeeps are like your neighbor. They can make you laugh or cry. :-) :-) 8-) [addsig]


Howdy - This is a reply to Jeep Addict
The only stupid question is the one that nobody asked!

Sorry Lee, but I must disagree with you on this one. :-D Here is a partial list of stupid questions, please feel free to add your own....

1) the phone at your home rings and you answer it. The person that called asks, "Dude, where are you?"
2) You out doing something obvious like bicycling, rollerblading or jogging... Your friend comes up and asks, "Hey, whatcha doing?"
3) A soldier throws 3 grenades into a tent, and your friends asks, "Was it an accident?"
4) "Do you think the Los Angeles Clippers have a chance this year?"[addsig]

the ultimate stupid comment/question is, say you're playing dodgeball in gym and you get drilled in the face with the ball and the force of the impact lays you out on the floor and you get massive floorburn all down the side of your body (your choice, left or right) of course your friend is there to provide assistance and the first thing out of their mouth is usually one of these no brainers
"i bet that hurt"
"are you hurt"
"does that hurt?"
"is that blood"
"wow thats a lot of floor burn"

note this applies to any injury, not just dodgeball ones. theres always the friend there to confirm that a cut thats bleeding, or a black eye, or an impalement, whatever, does in fact hurt. HATE IT

edited by: jeepmaster, Mar 27, 2003 - 06:13 PM[addsig]