New Guy


New member

Hey guys and gals. New guy here. Just wanted to say hi, and let everybody know this is a great site with lots of good info. I just bought my first Jeep last night. As the name implies, it is a 2003 Rubicon, stone white, 5 speed . Keep up the good work, I'm sure I'll be around a lot. :-D [addsig]


welcome to the site! you'll have to let us know how the rubicon is.(in the mud) Congrats on your new jeep. I don't have to tell you that driving a jeep is a lifestyle. It is different from any vehicle you've ever drove it's like a club, so don't forget to wave. :-D [addsig]

Welcome. I can tell you right now, You will love that Rubicon. And remember, Everyone is always here to listen!

edited by: Jeepin91, Mar 02, 2003 - 09:00 AM[addsig]

Welcome to the club. It's nice to see so many new faces around here :). I'm wondering about the Rubi as well, so keep us posted !!!! I hope we can get to know you a little better, and DON'T FORGET TO WAVE !!!!!!!! lol

Rob :-P ;-) :-) [addsig]


Welcome and lordy mercy what a way to get started in the Jeep world. You have the most advance out of the box work of art Jeep has ever offered. Now don't be afraid to get it dirty and keep us posted as you learn more about the Rubicon! Tug[addsig]

Welcome Rubi! Hope you enjoy the boards as much as we all do! :-D

Take care and have fun with your new Jeep....Patti 8-) [addsig]

Welcome! I’m new here also and I have found this website SO useful even before I bought my Jeep. I was at the dealers last week getting some parts and I could not stop drooling over the Rubicon. I’m jealous :-) [addsig]


I'm new to this site too and I have found it to be very helpful. I posted a question yesterday and have already gotten 12 remember to wave when you see another Jeep[addsig]