new gun

Yeah, but you can't get decent ammo for those for .12/ round, and you can't use them in service rifle matches either. As for neighbors, well, here in Arkansas everybody has one so doesn't freak anybody out....... :lol:
I'm more into pre64 winchesters, kimbers (oregon), and Ruger #1's, but the AR's and AK's are still hella fun to plink with.

heat trouble

Well, I am fairly new to hunting , but it sure is a lot of fun. As hunters, it is our responsobility to treat the animals we hunt humanely. I would personally like to try hunting with a bow, but unfortunately, in south Texas, bow hunting is not very ideal. Dove hunting was pretty interesting this past weekend, and I'm sure it will be even more fun next time. I was not able to take my Jeep out there this time, but I will be sure to get it out next weekend.
JP's list of Jeeps to never own??

Fayetteville now, originally from East Arkansas/ Forrest City.
cool, bakedalaskan, and rockwrangler are also up in that area also, maybe Ft smith....... we need to get togeather sometime
jeep show in CT

thanks for the advice wm69, im already a member there have been for a little while....ever since i shot my fist ar that not saying they are good hunting guns, but the sure are fun as hell to shoot like crazy, and you gotta love the look of them....i think its just cool as hell to have a gun that our troops carry over there in afgan, iraq and all those other middle eastern countries
Personally, I prefer one, that works and shoots straight. I learned how to shot a rifle, with the M-14, figured things went down hill from there. Guess I´m just old fashioned. :D Saw a lot of my buddies, trying to fix there M-16´s and M-16 A1`s in the middle of a fire fight. Maybe I´m just prejudiced. I kept my M-14, as long as I cleaned, the gas piston, every once in a while, it rarley failed me (a little heavy, I lived with it). Got so I knew, 7.62 ballistics, instinctively. Nice to be able to hit, what your shooting at, out to 500 yards and beyond, if you have too.
Shot a young Fox at 350 yards, stalking two fawns. Heart shot. If I´d had an AR-15, might have been able to scare him off or maybe wound him (don´t really feel confident with the .223 round). Twenty year old bolt action rifle, without the gangsta rep, still gets the job done.
Have to ask, the guys coming back, how there M-16 A2 or is it A3´s or is it A4´s worked.

mud gaurds on a JEEP?!?!?!

I'd rather have a M1A too, but I don't have $1500 lying around :lol: Every caliber has it's place, and a .308 definately works better on people, but I'm not shooting people with mine, so a .223 works just fine on the enemy bottles and cans that I stalk with my AR. The .223 is also a lot more fun to shoot if you go through about 3-400 rounds in an afternoon; the .30 gets a little abusive after that much shooting. As for the varmits, I have a bolt gun for that too. The AR's are for plinking (when a .22 rimfire just won't do) and service rifle matches. I know you won't believe me, but the .223's are showing up more and more on the firing line. They've finally tuned them to be as accurate as the .30's, just not out to the extreme ranges, as the lighter bullets are affected more by wind. You can justify having a different caliber for every occasion, but, unfortunately most of us can't afford it