new 70 anniv edition


New member
so thanks to all who had input to my dilemma, options for my sahara, you will have to cut me some slack on the whole jeep fraternity and how real/hardcore you jeep guys and girls are, holy smokes, love it... anyway, i live in canada and was just reading about the whole worth every penny bit and you would not believe the conditions we took our sahara out in... 35 inches of fresh snow, our road not plowed, threw it in 4x4 and told my wife to get behind the wheel and nail it, wow, the best 4x4 ever and turns on a dime.. like honestly besides you guys, who knew? anyway, we were sold and went back to the dealership to order our sahara, turns out, the new 70th anniversary edition was just made available and we ordered one... only 172 available from ontario canada east, so we are lucky to get one, won't get it til may/june so waiting with anticipation... anyway, we are probably not your typical jeep people and don't want to offend the real jeep people out there but holy crap, we ordered it pretty much because of its ruggedness and such, but absolutely love the interior and the toys, sorry guys, but its really nice inside!!! anyway, our daughter who is 12 loves the ride and in a cold (and i mean cold canadian day) -24 with windchill to -38, the interior defrost had the windows clear in 4 minutes!!! wow! i know some of you hate the new sahara by reading your reviews on it, but for some jeep lovers its the cats ass! i will post pictures when we get it!