Need some help!!


New member
I noticed this morning, that when I get my RPM's just over 3 grand, my 91 YJ seems to lose power. I also have some clanging sound comin from right below the shifters.....or thats where it sounds like it comes from. I started it earlier and got underneath, and of course, no noise. My buddy thinks it is my exhaust.

I'm not too mechanical but don't want to spend a ton of money on mechanic's labor either. Any advice would be helpful

I'm betting on exhuast also. Probably lost a hanger. Is the clanging sound happening @ 3 grand also? Is the "power loss" an new thing? OR, did both things happen at the same time? Also is the power loss actually "the placebo effect" because of the new sound? Later
I was thinkin maybe it could be a hanger. The clanging sound is usually when the rpm's are low. When I accelerate it stops. It also makes the sound right after I shift and stops, like I said, when I hit the gas again. Funny thing is, I drove it about an hour ago and nothing! No power loss and no sound. Hopefully something is just loose
I'm thinking maybe a Catalyst is loose or has come apart inside the housing. Try tapping on the catalytic converter and listen for a rattle. Sometimes the rattle won't occur until the catalyst is warm. Don't touch the exaust sytem if the engine has been running or you will have 3rd degree burns. :cry: