NEED SOME HELP!!! T-Case shift lever


New member
So, I get in the ol YJ this morning and it has been in 4H since our snowstorm Tuesday. Anyway, the roads were pretty clear so I go to shift the T-case back into 2wd and the lever is disconnected!

What is involved with reconnecting this lever? I really don't want to drive in 4wd from now on! Plus, the front end seems to be slipping when in 4wd on dry pavement. I'm kinda limited to hand tools.....surely someone has had this happen or knows how to fix it. I have the weekend to get it fixed. Thanks

Crawl under the jeep from the driver's side and look up above the belly skid from the front side of the skid. Look just to the passenger side of the front driveshaft and you will see the transfer case linkage. It should look like the pic below:

here you go:

the part that says to shift, push that lever all the way back and you are in 2wd.

reconnect that rod into the block with bolt to hook the lever back up


  • shifty.jpg
    51.6 KB · Views: 1,881
so i am having a similar problem, my t case lever goes back and forth fine.. but it wont go into 4wd the light comes on but it stays in 2wd. i just had the right hub re-done in nov could that have something to do with it or is it a whole another problem?
on your front axle is a vacuum actuator. pull the lines off it and make sure you have vacuum on the one that is nearest the engine when in 4hi or 4lo and make sure the other one has vacuum when its in 2wd

here you go. this is the one i used on my 87 and then just had to take out one line to make it work on the 93. the black line that goes to the dash indicator switch is not on your 93


  • 4wd diagram.jpg
    4wd diagram.jpg
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if no vacuum, then start with the red line coming off the intake top, near the firewall and make sure it goes down and hooks to the switch on top of your transfer case (in the pic with the hand, its the switch with the four black lines coming out of it) the line from the engine should have vacuum to that switch and then when you move your 4/2 lever, vacuum should move in that little switch to another nipple. that little switch is like 12 dollars on the self help wall at any auto parts store. on my wife's 93, it wouldn't switch when you moved the lever so i pulled the switch and it was stuck in 2wd. after i replaced that, i found no vacuum still to the front axle so i bought 20' of small rubber fuel line and reran the crappy plastic lines with rubber line. it took about an hour to rerun everything and change that switch and then 4x4 was perfect
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here you go


  • shifty.jpg
    55.8 KB · Views: 514
the switch is loose? unscrew it and make sure the end is not broken off. if its not, screw it back on and hook up the lines and verify you have vacuum to the front axle