Need for dirt....


New member
How come everyone else gets to go to the trail but me? Now I don't live anywhere near any trails...(hehe) but....when the guys go.. it's guys only. :rolleyes: Everytime I drive around, I am on "mud watch". It's hilarious.. and this Jeep has NEVER been off road, by the way...except if you count the time I went thru the Applebee's Restaurant contruction site and :lol: hubby says "Look, you can NOT just drive all over every muddy construction site out there... YOU ARE GONNA GET ARRESTED DOIN' THAT !!! HEEHEE.. they gotta catch me first!!!!
I drive off the edge of the road into every puddle and down Rt. 724 there is this giant mudpuddle bog thing off the side of the road.. never goes away. I will wait til no one is behind me and then I hit it flat out! Then I back up and wait so no one sees me then I do a smokey one out of it!! HEE-HOOOOO! I shudder to think what I would do if I REALLY got off the road !!
Hubby said the other day that he notices the yard is getting really torn up where I park my Jeep.....I SWEAR I have no idea why...:purple: I rev up and then burn out and then the best part... when you can hear the mud blobs clicking off the back of the car and down the block... SWEET! He just laughs. There is a mud trail up the entire alley. I will come home from work and he will say.. "I see you were off the edge of the road again..." HA!

He says I need to travel to the Yuppie Jeep park that is somewhere around here.... for the people ( like myself) who want to get dirty but don't want any scratches or nicks!! HeeHee. He's just jealous cause I have the Sahara and he has his old Cherokee.. which is cool.. it's just not Rockin' Sockin' like mine.
Anyone know what the fine is for turfin' up around a construction site? I better start saving up!! When I am out cruisin' around with my daughter, I will say.. OH MAN! Did you see that mud over there??!! She rolls her eyes and says Oh Great!! Do we HAVE to go back mom? and I say.. no.. forget it ( guilt trip) and she'll say.. Oh allright... go ahead. You gotta train 'em young people... start when they are little.
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Got a rototiller and a garden hose? 8) Here's what I did:

Back in the late 80's, I lived with my brother and his deadbeat friend. This guy never paid rent, bills, or bought his own food, making my brother cover his end. The house we were buying only had two parking spaces, one was sand/gravel, the other just grass. He'd always park on the grass, making me park out on the street. Now, this wasn't the best of neighborhoods, and we lived just a block from a busy bar, so any car on the street was an open target for vandals and drunks. I kept telling him that since my brother and I owned the house, he had to park his junker Plymouth Charger (not the nice ones, the little crappy two-door ones they made in the 80's) on the street. He just went ahead and parked on the grass, leaving me to park my new Toyota 4x4 out on the street. So, one day when he was out of town, I took matters into my own hands. I grabbed a spade, cut all the sod off the parking place in nice little squares, then hit the bare dirt with a rototiller, down about 12". Then I soaked it up real good with the garden hose before replacing all the sod. He got home that night, and I was waiting by the window. I watched him come winging into the drive, heading straight for "my" parking place. You couldn't imagine the pleasure I got when his little POS-mobile sunk down to the headlights!:lol: He tried for half an hour to get unstuck, but that car wasn't going anywhere! Finally, he gave up and came in. I had to try to pretend I was sleeping on the couch and not laugh when he came in. He "woke me up" and asked if I could pull him out. "Sure, for $20". After getting him out, I pulled my Toy 4x4 back up into the parking space/mud bog. From that day on, I always had the best of both worlds: a good parking space and my own private mud bog to start my day!8)

.......... Now I don't live anywhere near any trails...(hehe) but.....

Well, you gotta let us know where you live!! We're not gonna stalk ya' or anything, but we can probably direct you to a place where you can play with your Jeep!!!! There's lots of places available that you won't find on Google..........fill us in.

Any Jeep clubs in your area?
Not to derail, and I think I've asked before, but does anyone know of a place to play around the Baltimore, MD area without having to go all the way up to Paragon or all the way out to Greenridge (both over 2 hours one way)?? I found a couple places that are better than nothing but they're not much fun and if you hit it at the wrong time there can be several people poking about that keeps me from being able to do what I'd like ;). Plus, they keep dumping piles of rock/concrete along one road I like to play on, and they keep filling up the places I had previously been playing in. Any help would be appreciated.