

i think this kids messin with us, he has to be, no ones that stupid. ......but if you are let me know what flight you're on tug i wanna be there to laugh in this kids face when he sees his jeep literally come apart. PEACE[addsig]

I believe Venom makes an off road nitrous kit, a few of my ricer friends told me I needed it. I promptly threatened to park on their hoods. 8-) [addsig]

i'm not messing around i plan on it you'll see at the end we'll see who's laughing and it's gonna be me! :lol: :evil:

edited by: carriss, Feb 14, 2003 - 07:21 PM[addsig]

i'm not messing around i plan on it you'll see at we'll see who's laughing and it's gonna be me!

Go ahead and do it, more power to you (no pun intended :-D ). I'm just a fan of "all throttle, no bottle"[addsig]


i'm not messing around i plan on it you'll see at the end we'll see who's laughing and it's gonna be me!
Who giggle whopp whopp stop it stop it I can't take it no more! I love this thread man I sure hope you do this and I will do my best to be there for the first time you push that button. I promis not to laugh at you. You are going to be my hero! Remember I am not laughing at You I am laughing with you tug[addsig]

I am unaware of 1/4 mile mud strips... for what reason would you want nitrous in the first place? a billion horsepower of high end boost will be very little aid when you are bogging with low end torque. If you do get into that high rpm range... even with a low gear, those tires will be spinning fast enough to vaporize the tread right off. if your motor and drivetrain parts DO withstand the first bottle... good... then you will have proven to some of us that it works... then you can move on and do something useful to your jeep... convert that bottle to a tank for an onboard air compressor... and if you still want boost... hook a valve up that shoots that compressed air into your intake... then its free to recharge.... if it were my decision... i'd save the money for gas[addsig]


someone give this kid a drug rehabilitation phone number[addsig]

I don't know about the rest of ya'll...but I'd like to see a Jeep with a supercharger and NOS. Wouldn't want to face the potential repair bills...but it would be a kick in the @$$ to see that thing in action...until something blows. I always say go nuts. Just post pics of mud flying, rooster tails, sand storms, axles, gears, tires, seats, paint flying off...[addsig]

supercharger,with NOS and twin turbo's.Now that would be cool to watch. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]


once again, nitrous will do no good, as well as turbos, until high rpms... with the stress of ANY traction... that is just demanding your jeep to pull apart. a supercharger is not a bad idea at all. a supercharger will work at lower rpms and help you with wheelin. if you have nitrous... you'll be wheelin, when your concentration is already on the trail/rock/pit/etc.. and then you'll have to take your concentration off that to engage it. its just not worth itinstead, send me the money you would spend, and i'll come ruin your jeep with a hammer and a torch... it will be more convenient because you won't have to tow it back out of the trails to get it repaired[addsig]

Ok, this is turning into an import forum here. All this talk of NAAAAWWWSSS makes think we are talking like import guys. The correct term to use is Nitrous. NOS is a brand name that has been used too much all because of a movie that was all about NAAWWWSSSS!!!!

It would be the same as referring to all computers as "Gateways" or calling all winches "Warns" regardless of the name that they really were.

Carriss- I hope you understand that most of the people here that are saying that it would be cool to watch are only saying that because they want to see what, where, how, and everything that breaks when you hit that button. I see absolutely no need for nitrous in a Jeep unless you are going to run in on the street. Maybe I do not see things the way you do, but it sounds like you have the Fast and the Furious too many times and think that nitrous is a easy way to get horsepower. I will admit that Nitrous, ( NOT NOS!!!!) can be fun, IF used properly and sensibly. If you hit that bottom with your Jeep buried in mud, I will almost bet money that something WILL break. Jeeps are not made to withstand the sudden power hit of a nitrous system-

Listen to us- there is a reason this post has gone on so long-


ooh hell dont try to convince him not to do it.....i will be funny for him to spend his money for stupid crap like that...if he wants to do it let him....i want to see the funny post in a few months that says....."damn i blew my jeep into pieces today, yall were right".... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]


Yeah let him do it. We will at sit a home crack open a beer and watch him on Letterman's stupid human tricks orfunniest home videos :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .........Bullet[addsig]

P.T. Barnum My hero said it best. "There is a sucker born every minute" We can learn from his mistakes. set back and enjoy the ride! Tug :evil: [addsig]