My wife is cheating on me.......


New member
I need some advice on what could be a life changing decision.

I've suspected for some time now that my wifehas been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up. She started going out 'with the girls' a lot recently although when I ask which girls it is always "Just some friends from work, you don't know them". I always look out for her taxi coming home but she always walks down the drive although I can hear a car setting off. As if she has got out of the car round the corner. Why? Is it not a taxi? I once picked her mobile up just to see what time it was and she went beserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.

Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth but last night she went out again and I decided to check on her. I decided I was going to hide behind my car which would give me a view of the whole street so I could see which car she gets out of. It was while crouched behind my car that I noticed rust around my rear wheel arch.

Should I take it into a body repair shop or should I buy some stuff from the local auto shop and try to repair it myself.


Man, does that stir up some bad memories. I remember sitting up at 2 or 3 in the morning after putting the baby down, waiting for her to come staggering in. Then, years later, getting the ol' "we have to talk" statement from the biatch. Finding credit card bills from restaurants and bars that I'd never been to (yes, I was paying for her indiscretion), and finally, coming home for the weekend and finding a dozen roses on our dining room table (I didn't send her any flowers?!?!?!?!!). Then, after she abandonded me and anyone who looked like me, having to raise my son through the teen years by myself. My sage advice, having been there and done that, is................

fix it yourself - much cheaper and much more satisfying.

BTW - True story, but that wasn't mudwoman I was speaking of.
Boy I'm confused, I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for you guys.

Cut out the rust before it spreads and recks the rest of the vehicle. It may be difficult to make the first cut but once you finish, you will feel much better. Don't let the rust effect your life!

I feel for you dude. My wife left me high and dry one day and even took the dog.

I sure do miss that Dog. :cry:

He was kidding. I saw pics of that YJ and didn't see any rust 8)

is that post serious?

if so....sorry bro, fuck women....they're out to get ya

otherwise, that was the most hillarious post ever.

My old landlord went through the same thing. Do what he did.... first hide, sell or do whatever you can with any personal items or money that you don't want her to get her hands on, cancel any credit cards that have your name on them, then confront her. She tried to screw him over by taking his welding equiptment which she had absolutely no use for. He turned the tables on her and got half her pension for the length of time they were married which ended up being 100x what the welding equiptment was worth.
Bon Voyage!!!!

Havent been around in awhile but my huby was telling me the same joke like 2 days ago.....he read it on his Mustang forum Wow!!!! news travels fast...........