I am glad that it is a closed matter and you are sticking around. I have met Josh and can vouch for his charachter. He is a first class guy who would give you the shirt off his back or the spare tire off his Jeep if you needed it! He has been a great help and an encouragement to me.

thats some shizzzz, glad to see you're gonna stick around. it would suck to see you go but your not so its cool
Ya, who cares if 1 person . . .well maybe a few people . . j/p . . . thinks your padding your post count, its not like it does anything for you. Maybe if you won something for being the top poster i would understand if some people were upset but you cant, were all just here to talk and have fun.

Ya, who cares if 1 person . . .well maybe a few people . . j/p . . . thinks your padding your post count, its not like it does anything for you. Maybe if you won something for being the top poster i would understand if some people were upset but you cant, were all just here to talk and have fun.

You mean to tell me I have worked so hard posting here for so long and I am not going to win something! Well I never felt so dang stupid in my whole life. I guess for now on I can just do this for the friendship and common goal of learning and studying jeeps with other jeepers. Then thought of just doing this for sheer fun and joy. What if we post for a laugh does this make a non hard core place where no real jeeper would hang out! This will take some thought. Tug :p
Tug, I think you were one of the very few that didn't ask where your post count went to. Maybe it does mean something ;)
dana 60 rear axle, and other ford parts for sale or trade

Even though J rubbed me the wrong way a few weeks ago, we made up and things are better now between us! :D I love ya man!!!! You are a fellow Jeeper and we need you here! Stick around and keep typing away!

Ok... let's see... that now brings me up to 13 posts! I'm on my way!



So your one of the trouble makers, Jeep#3, well I hope your happy, this thread has padded his post# by like 10 more posts alone!

JK bro

Keep it about the jeeps, friendship, and good times!
Josh- I don't want to see you go eithier you have always supported this site. Don't gooooooooooooo...
I am glad to see you stay. Don't let one person take away something you love. Jeepz is your home. Thanks for all the advice and cute comments. Besides maybe you'll be in FL soon and we can go riding. Gotta keep in touch and this is the place to do it.

92 yj parts

U know far_right they really should be. B/c apparently they are the only person who doesn't like J. Your a great guy man and glad your stayin. Your too much help and just to dang cool.
I like seeing the pick of your YJ popping out of the mud with the water running down your tires, great shot, btw where did it go?
It was TUG "J" he is getting nervius about you catching up to him... LOL
No.. and I dont care about post counts either.(even though I lost like 150 of them..who the frig cares...with that and .50 cents will get you a soda)
If the person has a problem he should state it in the open and not be affraid to say something. Everyone is intitled to his or her opinion, right or wrong. But hiding in the shadows and sending nasty PM's is a sign of a scared, little, troll of a person who isnt man or woman enough to say what they feel in the open.

Stand up to who you are J and be proud. At least your man enough to make a comment in the open.
I come to expect to see your comments Josh, you bring in a diffrent side to the conversation. Dont be affraid to voice your opinion, you have that right by being a member here and a right garenteed by the US.. the right to free speach.
There is always going to be some one in the croud who disagrees with what we write here. If there big enough they will post it in the open.
Right or wrong I will voice what I have to say...if you all dont like it correct me. That is called learning and a day with out learning some thing new is a wasted day.

r.e. throttle body???

I disagree costs .75 to get a soda.

Rob 8) :p :)
What!! your going to disagree with me!!!! how wrude!
And IT is .50cents here in UTAH :p
:shock: knows that you can sucker Rob for an extra .25cents now :shock: