My horn Stopped working?

unplug horn and check for power when you push the horn button. If it has power check ground. next unplug horn and using jumper wires give it some juice. if it dont work buy new horn. if it dont have power after second test investigate the horn button.
Front pass. tire wobble...hub???

heh....fuses were going to be my only contribution to your demise. but you already checked that. hopefully you find it. my dad has a 96 tahoe, horn hasnt worked for a while. he's got a short somewhere in the line, so he just puts a new fuse in every year when he gets it inspected and thats about the extent of his horn working. :roll: :roll:
i'm with white rubi... it is a simple system... not sure if there is a horn relay or not... i forgot... just start at the horn and cancel out stuff on your way to the button

I just replaced mine. It had worked on and off for a while. Took it off and connected voltmeter to the wire and ran it to ground. Pushed the horn button and got 12 volts. It showed me it was the horn itself. It may be sacrilegious but I just picked a new one up at Autozone for $12 vs. $25 for a Jeep horn.
Well I would say you are a little low on Horn Juice. Just pop the center piece off the steering wheel, and pour a little in there. hehe
If you can't get the horn to work, I use my middle fingure instead, seams to get the same point across! hehe

jps4jeep said:
If you can't get the horn to work, I use my middle fingure instead, seams to get the same point across! hehe
only problem with that is that if people dont see you in the first place to even give you a reason to honk, then they most likely wont see your middle finger, however, for self satisfaction, the finger works wonderfully.
ps-or you could just get some fruity sounding airhorns like bostonjeep's got!!! hehe sorry dave, but they are def fruity.
every once in awhile i come on here, and every single time heres trevor trashin on my air horn...

hasnt even worked in months. GIVE IT UP

Get yourself a Dixie Horn that usually goes over well North or west :-D
L33TJ33P said:
Get yourself a Dixie Horn that usually goes over well North or west :-D
Thats what I got sitting in my garage, next mod will be the "mingez paint job" with a big ol' 01 in the door and a confederate flage on the hood!!
