My first Jeep problem


New member

Well I've been coming to this site for several months now. I keep reading how owning a Jeep means working on it all the time for problems other than those created by modifications. You'll be glad to know that tonight after working on my moms car I went to the store and when I went to get back into the Jeep, guess what? The door latch popped and then the door wouldn't close!!! However, there is one really great thing about owning a Jeep. You can take parts off and bring them in the house to fix them!!!!! That was great!! At first I started working on it outside then I realized that the doors actually come off!!!(i already knew this but my brain don't work so good sometimes)Imagine how good I felt when I figured out that I could take it off and take it inside. Man that was nice. Problem solved now. Can't wait til the next thing break, I just hope I can bring it inside!!![addsig]


If it had been me and in the summer I would have just taken it inside and left it until fall!!! Gotta love the Jeeps design....[addsig]

Be carefull what you ask for ;-) Before you know it you will have so many little things you want or need to do you won't know what to do :-D [addsig]


glad you are happy about the repair process! I am sure you will get a chance to do it again and again. That is a big part of the Jeep Thing as they say. I learn more all the time and love it. Good Luck on breaking stuff Tug[addsig]

Now there´s an idea, instead of waiting for spring, to work on my project Jeep, I can bring it inside, by the fire, a piece at a time. Wait one, gotta go measure the window, darn, I wonder if I can get the wife interested in a sliding glass door for the living room. :-D Get inside, get warm, get Jeepin.

Stain resistant underwear, is a classic example, of the solution, sometimes having absolutly nothing to do with the problem. :lol:

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 06, 2003 - 08:38 AM[addsig]

now mr. mudderchuck,
u know as well as i do that there is no way ur wife will let u do that,

couse that would mean u would get something done for a change :-)

:-) the mud race puppy


Always depends, on wether I´m doing what I want or what she wants, Two speeds, low and compound low.
Gotta do something, sure ain´t no room in the garage for another project.

:-D Hi, honey :-D [addsig]

Mudder you have to ways of doing this. One is to make her think it was her idea. or two you mention so often that eventually she'll ask what happened to the sliding glass door. I tried number two on my wife with a boat, it took several months but one day we came home from the lake and she told me to put the boat up. I didn't say a word, but man you shoulda seen her face about two hours later!!!!! I told I just done what I was told!![addsig]