My electric choke wont close when cold


New member
Hi all,

I just rebuilt my Carter YF with electric choke and it is behaving so much better but I have one problem left.

My choke is staying in the open position when I go through the initial start up routine. (turn the key on, pedal to the floor one time, start) I took the air cleaner off so I could watch. I was expecting the choke to snap shut but no dice.

When I close the choke by hand, the jeeper starts right up and goes through the high idle cam steps just like it should. Warms up to full open in about 3 minutes.

Should the electric choke spring return the butterfly to the closed position as it cools? Is there an adjustment I need to make?


77 CJ-7 with a 258 and Carter YF with electric choke.

You should be able to clock that choke on the closed position while the engine is cold. Is there not a screw that holds the bracket for the choke coil?
Here's a picture of my choke spring. It just has a hook bent on the end, but no fastener. That hook goes over the choke shaft and I guess the tension on the spring causes the choke to open and close.

I heated up the engine then removed the choke cover with spring and marked its position. Then I tossed the spring in the freezer and marked its position after it cooled off. So, I think I know the spring's range of motion.

Now that it is adjusted 'correctly', I need to see if the motion of the spring actually moves the choke plate. My guess is that the choke is sticking open and the spring tension is not able to close it. I hope to be able to tell when looking at the cold engine in the morning.

Sound right?


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Let the Jeep cool. Loosen the the 3 screws that hold the choke bracket and rotate the choke housing until its at 1/8th or little less. After you twist it (not too much at a time a little equals a lot) flick the throttle so the choke will snap to it new setting. So its twist, flick, check gap. Also on the choke spring housing should be an indicator that lines up with graduated lines on the side where the housing mounts. And the most important step ( I found out the hard way) make sure you tighten the 3 screws. A little eng vibration may not be much to you but that housing dances to it....lo