My dads the best!!!


New member

My dad just gave me permission to buy a jeep and offered to help me build it up.Ive been saving all my money and have come up with about $2000 dallars.The plan is to buy a pretty cheap jeep,fix it up,and by the time im 16 it will be ready to rock.Any suggestions about jeeps in this price-range would be great. Later all :wink: Sully[addsig]


you wont be able to get alot for 2k but i would suggest lookin for an 80s model CJ of some type, most likely a 7 if you are over about 5'9", but for 2k you may be lookin at an early 70s..... most jeeps here that run and arent rust buckets are 3k or better[addsig]

My dads probly gonna help me pay for it.Like I pay half and he pays half.Im gonna save more money like to about 2500.Then my dad may help me buys it.Im checking out the cjs on ebay.I want a v8 beater,really cheap. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]

What do you guys think of this: 85' CJ7 304 V8 auto,runs good,78000 miles,mild rust. About $1500. Is this a deal or not??? let me know what you think. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]


if you dont go pay him, ill send you the money and bring it here, it does sound good but that is very little info... what about the rust , and other small or large factors like that

edited by: far_right, Apr 21, 2003 - 08:29 PM[addsig]

sounds like a decent deal. "mild" rust could be an understatement... although there are some very nice CJ's out there. my grandfather has a '78 CJ-5 in mint condition... runs great with only 69,000 miles. i'd definitely say to find some more information on it and go from there. also... i would expect an '85 CJ to have a manual transmission... but i'm not all that familiar with CJ's and how they come originally equipped. you might want to check and see if its had a history of transmission difficulties though if it was originally a standard. [addsig]

That's great to get a Jeep as your first car/ truck! I wish I could have when I was 16... but sometimes dreams don't come true exactly when you want them to! :-D Send some pics when you get one.[addsig]


i never did like the square headlights when they came out - on any car. i swore that i'd never get a jeep with square lights. wanted a cj. they look cool and i drove one in the trails of the amazon. way, way cool

anyway, when i determined that what i wanted and could afford only came with squares the 87 to 92 yj, i learned to love those squinty round headlights.

my point here is (pardon the rambling) that you want reliability and performance. i'm an old holley carb guy - i never could afford a race car with injection.

get a yj with injection. it's bullet proof. carbs are fine for rebuilding on the side of the road in a pinch, but you'll never have to that with injection. it's the perfect way to feed fuel to a motor. i've got a half dozen 4v carbs for sale/??

as far as the rust AVIOD AVIOD AVIOD AVIOD :-O

at all costs. if you're serious about low money and getting a jeep, forget it. for some reason, we ignore the blue book values and charge what we want. the deals are out there, but if you can drive it home, you'll be paying top dollar.

i picked up bluebelle, a 92yj 4.0L (squinty round headlights) and had to trailer it home - poor thing was trashed.

after a frame-off resto and all new parts (around 10 grand total invested inculding the 3 grand for her carcas) i now have something i've bonded with and have been over every inch of this rig. i'd drive her from florida to the amazon in a heartbeat. she'd make it.

get a rust free, or as close as you can tub/frame with a six cyl injection - from there, you can build exactly what you want on your own terms.

if i had half a brain, i wouldn't have wasted my time on all those ford muscle cars and did jeeps all my life

live and learn


Sully my boy if anyone deserves a Jeep you are the one. You have hung in here through thick and thin and have taken a licken and kept on ticken. Rough start, then the golf cart days. You have put in the time and now it will pay off. With the knowledge you have and have gained I think you will build up one heck of a Jeep. As for me you know I am a YJ fan, cause it is hip to be square! Luck to you my man, you will be a great jeep owner but you are all ready a jeeper! Tug[addsig]

The reason I want a Cj is because I can probly get one cheaper than a Yj.Id like a Tj,but,thats way out of my price range.Like my dad said,"were not buying your dream jeep,were building it."Thank you for all of your suggestions. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]


Hey man best of luck, and no matter what you get i'm sure it will be lucky to have you behind the wheel. Take care and have fun.


:cool: [addsig]

Don't be discouraged I bought my '93 YJ (Ivana) for only $3600 and she is in great condition, my daily driver to be exact. I haven't had to do any major repairs yet either. I understand your desire for a CJ w/ a V8, but don't count out a YJ with a 4 banger. I believe it was Tug that said the only differance with the engine is not whether you will get there but how fast you will get there. My point is just be patient and a deal will fall in your lap.[addsig]

I cant get a 4banger because on california highways you have to be able to do at least 80 mph.A 6 would work,but Id rather have an 8. :wink: Sully[addsig]


Man you are a lucky one. I so wanted a Jeep when I was 16 and like your Dad mine was all about helping me get one. We even went and looked at a used 88 YJ, but then my Mom got wind that I wanted a Jeep and she said no way :-x She thought I would roll the thing and kill myself. So I had to what until I was 21 and then I bought a brand new 99 TJ and it was one of the best days of my life. The first thing I did was take it to show my Mom. She thought is was gorgeous and wanted a ride HA HA.........

Congrates my man.[addsig]

Thats exactly what my mom said!!!But after about 6 months of talking it over with my dad,she finaly agreed.My mom and dad both though I would roll a jeep since they have a short wheel base.I just gotta learn to take it easy. :wink: Sully[addsig]

When I was 16, all I had was an '83 Ford Ranger!
10 years later, I am finally about ready to look at
getting a Jeep project. And for a Hemi transplant.

Good luck, Sully. And drive carefully!


when i was 16 , i had a 69 torino 390!! as far as looking for a jeep to buy , i have to argee that body condition { as little rust as possible} far out weighs choice of drivetrain. lisen to the voices of experience....rust can give you more headaches than you can possibly imagine. especially for your first build up. buy the jeep in best condition you can afford, you won't regret it. happy hunting![addsig]

I agree the most important thing is no rust. The body is really the most important thing on a, seats, etc. are so easily replaceable, and you can do that as you go, save up, do another replacement sort of thing. As long as you have a solid base to work with, you are good to go. Also, as a new driver I think you should make sure you have seat belts...I'm sure your parents would agree. I'm not the saint seat belt wearer, but when you first start driving (no matter how much "practice") you've had, there are so many surprise situations on the road you've never experienced! A car is replaceable (yes, even jeeps!) but you are not. [addsig]

The reason I want a Cj is because I can probly get one cheaper than a Yj.Id like a Tj,but,thats way out of my price range.Like my dad said,

"were not buying your dream jeep,were building it.

"Thank you for all of your suggestions. Later :wink: Sully

Sully, the above is exactly why Tug said the below,
and why I agree 100%. I enjoy your contribution, daily.

Luck to you my man, you will be a great jeep owner
but you are all ready a jeeper! Tug

I think you're on the right track, with the CJ,
and think of the benefit of a well
defined and carefully thought out Mod Plan.

For instance... seems newbie question #1 what tires and lift.
no mention of flares and extenstions,,#2,#3 and on and on,
you have a great handle on all of this and
could make up a great "Sully's Jeep Project"

I would love for you to 'diary' your buy, plan,
and execution. You could help all of us while you
build your dream. Too Cool, Your DAD ROCKS!!!

I could help you build a Chronology of your Rig if you'd like.[addsig]



My point is just be patient and a deal will fall in your lap.

well said "osito129"

Plan your Rig,
decide on what you need as your blank canvas,
and what you will have to add
to finish your masterpiece.

step by step and you will never stumble.

edited by: USMPK9, Apr 22, 2003 - 03:07 PM[addsig]