My calico adventure! LOTS of PICS INSIDE!


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To top off the end of my spring break, I decided to go wheeling with three of my friends.2 TJ's,1 YJ, and my CJ.We headed out to calico on friday and all met up at camp and started a fire.After sitting around the fire, we decided to go on a night run.Aired down and disconnected, we headed out for some night time fun!It was about 7:00 when we left camp.We were all following my in his TJ.He led us up and over a series of hills and ravines.We were driving along a ridge and he saw a good spot to enter the deep ravine below.We all followed behind him, with the two TJ's leading, my CJ, and the YJ.Started moving along the bottom of the ravine and we came to our first corner.It was about a 90 degree turn and there was a wall of loose rock on either side if us.





There was barely enough room to fit a jeep through!Some how, we managed to squeeze through and around the first corner with no problems or damage.We come to a few more corners that are just like the first.But it was the fourth corner that really started to kick the TJ's butts!the corner was a 90 degree left than a 60 or so degree right.And it is still very narrow!Our leader went through and riped his roll bar padding on the wall during the second corner.The next TJ went through and slipped off the high side after the first corner and bashed her front fender in.She backed up and pulled through.Then I tried it, got around the first corner ok without touching the either walls.But on the second turn I scraped both my left and right corner of my flares and a little bit of the fenders too. :roll: Ended up getting through that part ok.The YJ was next, he had an atlas with twin stick, so he just popped it into front wheel drive, and set the e-brake for the rear and pulled the front end of his jeep around.It was amazing! :shock: The next corner was a water fall with about a 1 foot drop.No big, but their it was a double corner like befor.We all got through it ok except for the second TJ, she couldnt get her wheel to turn to the left away from the right wall.After about 30 mins of pushing and bouncing on her jeep.We got her free.Now here was the end of it.A very very narrow passage.But this was the only way out or else we would have to back out the way we came.Our fearless leader went for the V-notch like spot and rode the right wall way to high and ripped into his hood and windshield frame.Oh about his flares and mirrors, theyre gone now! :lol: And his driver's side door wont go on no more!So now he is selling the doors. :lol:





He tried backing out but he couldnt move, his only way out was to bull doze forward.So he did and cracked his windshield.Made a sharp turn left and then another tricky spot!The rock wall on the left was like a wave and curved up and almost covered the whole area under it like a tunnel.Our leader made it through this without a problem.After seeing what this v-notch did to the first jeep.We pilled lots of rocks for about and hour and made the left side high enough to support a tire.The next TJ went through the V-notch section perfectly!

Took the next turn, and even with a bunch of people hanging off the right side of her jeep, we couldnt stop her from scraping into the wave like wall.

(this is where I ripped my soft top)

She was real bummed after inspecting the damage to her jeep.Good thing she had no top on!Now its my turn, I start through the vnotch section and I get through without any damage.But it the next spot that gets me real good for the first time on the trail.What I forgot to mension about the wave like wall on the left side, is that it drops off like a curb.Well, I dropped off that curb and ripped my brand new soft top! :evil: :oops: :x :cry: I was so bummed.Now I have to take this thing to a sailing place and have them sow this sucker up.The YJ was doing good through this part, but his problem was that he was too big to fit under the wave wall on his left side.His roll bar was hanging up, so he hooked his winch up to me and after a few good tugs from the winch pulled himself free.Went back to camp.Slept and wheeled all day today.Only the stuff we did today seamed like a cake walk compaired to last night! :wink:


(this is the doran entrance, it is bypassable and requires 35's and lockers f/r if you even want a prayer of making it up)




(this is coming down odessa)



(flexy TJ)


(the group)

What did I learn through this, ALWAYS take your top off if you think it is going to hang up on anything.And that you MUST have blind faith in your spotter.All of our rigs by the end of the day were all in pretty good shape except for our leader.Lets face it, his was thrashed!But he still managed to keep a smile on his face throughout the rest of the trip.It sure made me feel good when I looked at his jeep and then looked at my little ripped spot at the left rear corner of my top.Next time I am going topless!We all got back to camp by about 2:00 a.m.

I didnt take any digital pics, but my friends did.I will post the link to them when my friends get back home.(they are still out wheeling)I decided to come home tonight instead of drive 200 miles in the morning home.


Sounds like an awesome time!!! Sorry about the top though.
Sweet stuff!! I need to out to the west coast and see what ya'll got for wheeling! basically looks like more rock, less tree's and water!

those are seriously the best trail stories and the best pictures I've seen on here!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

we need some more daring jeepers to do stuff like this and take pictures!!! this is why I love jeeps!!! :D