Muncie 4 Speed Stuck in First


New member
Ok....I went to load the the Willy's onto the trailer to take it to town to have some exhaust put on. I put it (Muncie M-21) in first gear, and can't get it back out. I un-hooked the shifter linkage, and it's still stuck. I can't even get it to come out with channel locks on the link and rocking it back and forth. I never had this problem before. Any thoughts?

I don't know anything about Willys transmissions, but my old 85 CJ use to do the same thing - normally getting stuck in 2nd gear. The fork would slip out of position and the answer in my case was to open up the access panel inside the cab, then take the top of the transmission off. I was able to move the shifter around and pop it back into the proper position. it's been 20 years since I've done this, but I don't believe it was difficult.
It turned out to be the Hurst shifter/transmission linkages were all wacky. A guy showed me how to adjust it using the drill bit, and all is good now. Thanks though, Brad