Muffler problem... or something like that....


New member

Well I am not sure where I mentioned it here or at another board. Moving on.... a while ago my friend told me I had a muffler leak. I looked for it and couldnt find it and left it as it. But today my mom took it to work in the snow because she HAD to go there. I hate her driving it though and now she says it is really loud. So, I dont know much about cars. Could driving in the snow a little bit and getting stuck make it worse? I guess I need advice of what really to do that doesnt involve duct tape, or take it to a shop. But if they do say I need whatever, am I beter off waiting and buying the part froma different dealer instead of the part they use?

Thanks for any help,

1999 Jeep Wrangler stock for now till the money starts to flow in.....[addsig]


It's a little hard for us to answere with the little bit of info you supplied. Can exhaust items be hurt from being stuck? Sure they can, if they were what caused the jeep to get stuck. (hanging up on branches, rocks etc...) Can snow affect exhaust? probably not. Finding a leak in the exahust system shouldn't be hard, unless there's a ton of mud underneath the jeep. If so, take the jeep to a car wash station and blast the mud off.
The exhaust should have no holes anywhere except for the exit pipe. You may have to drop the muffler down a little to get a glance at the top of it. There could be a hole out of sight on top.
A muffler shop can and will find a problem if one exits, (especially if in a smog state!)
they work on and know what to listen for. Take it a "Midas" shop!(if you have any in your area) Life time warranty on the muffler. Even if you rip it open on rocks, they'll replace it free! I've got a "Midas" muffler my rock ready CJ-5, and I try to rip it open everytime I'm in rocks! Haven't yet though.

Good luck


Snow can hurt the muffler. It is water and could cause rust, so could salt if they salt the roads out where you are. Plus the heat and cold, expanding and contracting. If there was a little hole, the expanding and contracting of the metal could wreck it.

jprtoy: Read that warranty closely! It is life time BUT if you through too many mufflers within a certain amount of time, they won't warranty it! I went through 3 mufflers in 2 years, in an old car I had. One got ripped off when the hanger broke and the other two imploded due to my car running like crud. They said that I needed a tune up before they'd give me a new muffler. Then showed me the fine print.[addsig]


Is the noise coming from the front or rear of the Jeep? I know that you previously said that you had a 'leak' 'leak' turned out to be a big fat crack in the exhaust manifold (a problem with Jeeps 97 and up)...just my experience...good luck, Patti

PS - I agree with Tug, it sounds like an exhaust shop is your best bet... :-( [addsig]

Yesterday when i got it stuck turning into a snow drift i htought i can handle or atleast try to get through got stuck. damn two feet of snow. But As I was shoveling snow out I noticed that the under cariage needed to be washed out. Im thinking it may be on top. Ill take a look again. and thanks for letting me know about midas. that would be worth the extra trip there.

Yeah even though we do have alot of muffler mans down here....


Well I just took a stroll outside and noticed that the muffler is fine. But where the tail pipe meets the muffler is cracked in half.... So this doesnt sound good. WHat in the hell could have made this happened? Yeah Im pissed. Well. Im off to find some prices now. See ya guys later



That'll be cheap! You can actually take it off and take it to Midas and have them bend the pipe for you, then you can reinstall it. It sounds like it just wore out.[addsig]

while we are on the subject of mufflers i have a question. I have an 01 Cherokee, on the front of the muffler, there is a hole about the diameter of a pen, it looks like it was drilled like that, not hit with any thing. I brought it to the dealer and they told me that it's normal. I notice that the hole will spit out water(condensation i guess). Any one else have this issue??? Any suggestions???
