Loosen off the brake lines at the master cylinder, one at a time and exercise the brake pedal (push only) then tighten (before releasing the pedal) being carefull not to let the resivoir go empty. Hold a rag under the Master cylinder as brake fluid will eat up paint. Then bleed the brakes one at a time starting with the closest to the master cylinder working back to the farthest. It sounds like you have an air bubble in your master cylinder. Another way to do it is to remove the master cylinder, and work it in a can full of brake fluid, then plug the outlets and install quickly and carefully. But the air can usually be purged on the vehicle. A pressure bleeder, will also purge the air. And might be a good idea, like berreta suggested, as soon as you get enough brake to get you to the brake shop. It´s not beyond the relm of possibilty, that you got a bad rebuild or somebody put the pistons in backwords (seen this once).[addsig]