Michael Vick, the Pit Bull fighter.

Those are two adorable dogs!!! Chow/Rott/Shepard? According to the dangerous dog data bank your dog should be a mass murderer! :lol:

Maybe they just cancel each other out.

Thanks! Believe it or not they were not posed that way. They lay like that all the time. (00) It's funny because we had the pit first and got the shephard from someone who rescued her from a car accident. She had a broken tailbone & hip and could barely run when we got her. Now she thinks she's the alpha dog. I say "thinks" because I believe the pit just lets her believe that. :D

I'm watching the news right now and I think that's the story comin up next. p0p
#6 Pit Bulls may be raised/trained to be docile dogs, but they are of a spoecial temperament and this type of success comes from people who know how to properly train them.

The problem is most pet owners don't know jack ****take about how to train it. This isn't too big of a deal with a collie but enter the pit bull and you have serious potential for a dangerous situation.

Personally, I think given their temperament they are just too much of a hazard for me to accept them. No offense Jeepmonkey, it sounds like you know what the heck you are doing.

As for Mike Vick... what a sick jackass. Dogfighting ring? Did the moron actually think someone of his fame could hide something like that??? Stupid son-of-a can't be content with an NFL career? Hopefully he loses it, he sucks anyway. The Falcons would probably suck a lot less without him.

He need s to go to the big house for this one if he is in fact guilty.
Oh, and as for the locking jaw... no, they don't have any special "lock", but they do get into a mode where they bite and hold. With their power the jaw might as well lock ;)

Yeah, all those boys in Arkansas use pitts to hog hunt and they carry a crow-bar with them to pry their mouths off the hog after they have caught and killed the hog. Seriously. No joking at all.
#6 Pit Bulls may be raised/trained to be docile dogs, but they are of a spoecial temperament and this type of success comes from people who know how to properly train them.

Personally, I think given their temperament they are just too much of a hazard for me to accept them. No offense Jeepmonkey, it sounds like you know what the heck you are doing.
The contention that they have a hazardous temperament is a myth. The temperament tests prove that.

I'd say the opposite of you first statement is true. It takes "special" training by the Michael Vick's of the world to make them vicious. And it's this popularity in training them to be vicious that has given them the reputation that they have. And the public has bought into it.

The contention that they have a hazardous temperament is a myth. The temperament tests prove that.

I'd say the opposite of you first statement is true. It takes "special" training by the Michael Vick's of the world to make them vicious. And it's this popularity in training them to be vicious that has given them the reputation that they have. And the public has bought into it.
[sarcasm]Yes, because it is very common for the fighting dogs to have outbreaks of pleasantness and love, while the domesticated, docile, and trained pit bulls never have unexplained lethal attacks.[/sarcasm]

Any organization with an agenda can "prove" anything with a study. These dogs have had countless incidents, and the majority of them were not dogs that were raised for fighting.

That said, I am no dog expert, as a matter of fact I know just enough to be a good dog owner, but I do know that be it their temperament or the fact that their jaws are so powerful, they stand out among other breeds for their number of violent, and debilitating if not fatal attacks.

Once that point is reached where they go on the offensive, they become extremely dangerous.

You can tame a tiger and make it a wonderful pet, but ask Penn and Teller how that can pan out.
[sarcasm]Yes, because it is very common for the fighting dogs to have outbreaks of pleasantness and love, while the domesticated, docile, and trained pit bulls never have unexplained lethal attacks.[/sarcasm]

Any organization with an agenda can "prove" anything with a study. These dogs have had countless incidents, and the majority of them were not dogs that were raised for fighting.

That said, I am no dog expert, as a matter of fact I know just enough to be a good dog owner, but I do know that be it their temperament or the fact that their jaws are so powerful, they stand out among other breeds for their number of violent, and debilitating if not fatal attacks.

Once that point is reached where they go on the offensive, they become extremely dangerous.

You can tame a tiger and make it a wonderful pet, but ask Penn and Teller how that can pan out.
What makes you assume the organizations that tested the temperament of these multiple breeds have an agenda? Do you know the organizations and where they get their money? Conjecture?

[sarcasm]german shepards, chows, doberman pincers all domesticated, docile, and trained never have unexplained lethal attacks either.[/sacrasm] (SO let's ban them too!)

I don't even own a pit! I have a terrier!
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Look I'm not saying that Pits aren't potentially dangerous. ALL DOGS of that size are dangerous. But it's up to the owner to control their animal. And if we can trust people to be responsible with weapons, then we should be trust people to be responsible with their dogs. Require muzzles and specific restraints in public. Require special licensing and background checks. But banning them (especially for those who have owned pits for years) is a tad much.

I'm also saying that the majority of the public that thinks this breed is any more dangerous than others is a product of the hype around the breed. They have never seen a vicious pit. They have never researched the statistics or the breed. They have simply been told that the breed is dangerous and they believe. They've seen the news report about a maiming or killing, but don't take into consideration that other breeds don't get reported on by the news because it isn't as sexy to talk about a chow killing. They don't take into consideration that most of those dogs who do attack are trained to be fighters.

It's the responsibility of the owner not to use them as fighters and not to train them to be vicious. It's the responsibility of the owner to ensure proper restraints. Read all of the incidences. I challenge you to find a pit killing where the dog was on a leash.

And leaving ANY large dog, pit, shepard or other, alone with a child is akin to leaving a loaded handgun on the coffee table for your child to play with.
All i can say is that a guy I worked with put a 45 hollow point through a chest of a charging pit bull and the ***** turned and ran home and laid down in her back yard. She was missing lots of muscle and tissue but was strong enough to keep running

All i can say is that a guy I worked with put a 45 hollow point through a chest of a charging pit bull and the ***** turned and ran home and laid down in her back yard. She was missing lots of muscle and tissue but was strong enough to keep running

And until somebody shoots a shephard or other type of dog we'll never be able to make a fair comparison. Who's to say that another dog couldn't do the same thing if shot? :?|
Everything I've read has stated that the owner of the dog must be responsible but what about the victim? If you jump in trying to break up a dog fight(the woman many posts ago) it doesn't matter if it's a pit or a black lab you can expect to get bit. One of my friends got bit by a normally docile lab because he was toying with it staring it straight in the eye in an unfriendly way. Dogs are intelligent creatures, anybody who's ever owned one knows that, and sometimes it's the stupidity of humans that causes harm. I'm not saying sometimes dogs don't just snap and start biting but the majority of the time there is a reason not solely the dogs fault.

Siegfried & Roy you mean. ;)

Yeah that's what I said :lol:

Obviously I'm no fan of either :?|

What makes you assume the organizations that tested the temperament of these multiple breeds have an agenda? Do you know the organizations and where they get their money? Conjecture?

[sarcasm]german shepards, chows, doberman pincers all domesticated, docile, and trained never have unexplained lethal attacks either.[/sacrasm] (SO let's ban them too!)

Hey... I never said ban them. Let's get that straight! I don't like them, I wouldn't want to live near one, and I'm not allowing my kids around them (they're very young).

Your comparison to handguns is really a far stretch from reality. My XD can't breathe, doesn't have it's own mind, and can't bite you unless I want it to and make it do so. A dog can act on its own. A dog can kill on it's own.

If guns can kill all by themselves than mine are all defective :lol:

What makes me suspect of whoever the organization may be is their findings.

Again, I never implied they should be banned. Don't know why you are arguing against that. I think that owning a pitbull is fine if you are capable of properly training it and are aware of the potential tragedies and act accordingly. Someone who merely thinks that pit bulls are harmless unless trained to fight or kill is kidding themselves and needlessly and unnecessarily endangering those around them. Now if they do so and tragedy does happen they should be held accountable. That I believe. As for government involvement, you know I am no proponent for that!
I can tell you that Peta is very radical, they would release goldfish on the pavement just to say they freed something. I am a Veterinary Techinician by trade in the Army and I have worked in Military Research for quite a few years. Peta was always trying to infiltrate our buildings. But I digress, our military working dogs are German Shep, Belgion Malinois and Dutch Shepherds, why, because we can train them to detect certain things and train them to patrol and protect their partner. Granted, we don't have too many Germ Shep left due to hip problems, but I can tell you this. We look for aggressive dogs, but we look for agressive dogs that can be managed. Another part of my job was operating a Vet Clinic on the installations for those military owners who have pets. I can only count on one hand the number of pitts that would come in that I could handle without a muzzle. Most of their owners jump back when the dog growls or darts at me. What we have to look at is the aggression of attack and the unwillingness to release. Sheps, Chow and many others usually bite to defend and release which gives you a very nasty bite, the canines tend to cut roughly as they withdraw. Pitts don't let up. No fiction, just fact. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I have nothing against pitts, but the rest of the world appears to since they are banned in most other countries. They're not the only one, but usually at the top of the list with American Bulldogs, etc. The problem is humans, many people think its cool to have a pitt and have no reason to have one, they can't even take care of themselves. I can go into my stray facility on Monday and probably count at least five pitts that have been picked up on post that have been abandoned. No joke, and guess what we have to do. Euthanize usually unless we can prove 110 percent that it will not show agression. Well off my soap box after one last thing. If someone did a study, there is usually an agenda for it, and there is usually someone paying for the research. Keep that in mind when you read all this factual data on the net.
Back on topic a bit...................

Be nice if they'd sentence Vick to spend some time in a fighting ring with a Pit that was trained to kill NFL quarterbacks!! THAT I'd like to see. He may have some moves on the football field, but I don't think they'd help much against a Pit.:evil: