Massive 4x4 recovery effort

RE: Re: RE: "Status", post counts, and problems th

Glad that wasn't me. Only been that stuck once before. Had to get a semi tow truck to pull my old F-150 out of the river.
RE: Brand new Boggers 39.5 x 18 x 15

Shame nobody had a hi-lift... Could have gotten out much easier if they had jacked the stuck tires out of the SOme people think a winch or a strap is enough.... A Hi-Lift is much more important in my book.

RE: Where do I send my

They did graewulf. They said that they would jack up one end and push it out of the ruts but when they went to jack up the other end, the unstuck end would sink back into the muck.

I think that's what happened here:

Spring shackles for CJ 7

Great story - I can't believe that land owner srpung for Beer and Steaks after all the BS he was put through
south442 said:
They did graewulf. They said that they would jack up one end and push it out of the ruts but when they went to jack up the other end, the unstuck end would sink back into the muck.

I think that's what happened here:


Ahh.. i missed that part. That's whan you start shoving wood under the tires to keep them from sinking back in...


makes me think about how much ive got to learn about wheelin