mall parking

yes ma'am.

i was going to put reverse racism because it was a term the army used but i didn't know if everyone knew that phrase.

you are right on the jeep thing too. they are all jeeps, even the little patriot and compass.
The term "Reverse Racism" makes no sense to me.
Racism is Racism and it's alive and well in every ethnic group in America.
As I said earlier I believe no one should get preferred treatment.
There sould be no Black Television, or Black college just as their should not be a White Television, or White College.
I am a Single, Middle aged, Staight, White male and Personally I feel like we carry the world on our shoulders.
There is nothing for us.
There are Grants for Gays, Grants for Ethnic groups or Minoritys they call it. Grants for single mothers, recovering drug addicts, ect...........
Good Greif Charlie Brown!!!!
Idk if any of you are aware of the term white privilege but we were learning about it in class the other day and it's pretty interesting go to you tube type in white privilege and watch the video by Tim wise
The main issue I have here is that there are just too many handicapped spaces. The law probably says some percentage of parking spaces have to be marked handicapped, but the grocery store I go to has eight handi spaces and I never see more than two being used.
Last time I'm going to comment on this but
Tim Wise is doing nothing more than preaching Hate to the black community.
White Privilege from what I understand about it is that there is some kind of Unspoken right or advantage of being white.

I believe that a persons ability to be succesfull is mostly determined by enviromental factors, the "G" Factor (General intelligence factor) has proven this, and it's universally supported by most all ethnic groups.

Read The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstern.
It explains it all.
My wife's Explorer has a decal under the hood stating it is a ULEV as did our '03 Windstar. That makes it eligible for the parking spot. Size does not matter, most people think only small cars or high mpg cars qualify.