Make up a total lie about the person above you!

Really moved to Denver because he heard it was called the Mile High City. He doesn't know yet that it has nothing to do with "that".

Helps old ladies across the street because of the warm fuzzzy feeling he gets.

^^^ my mechanic, who will accept monopoly money because he still owes my sister rent on Park Place ^^^
^^^His idea of a good time is smearing his naked body in peanut butter, hanging by his ankles from the ceiling fan, and letting the dogs loose in the house.^^^^
south442 said:
Really moved to Denver because he heard it was called the Mile High City. He doesn't know yet that it has nothing to do with "that".

No??? DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :shock: :shock: :shock:
sits at home every friday night drinking virgin strawberry daquires and watching golden girl re-runs.....
