Make up a total lie about the person above you!

Doesn't actually live in Utah.

Actually lives in Manhattan...lives off of Lattes, martinis, and frequents SOHO in his Saab.

Is really a pest control worker who drives a cargo minivan and drinks Black Label beer
Actually lives on some island in the south pacific and heads the worlds most dangerous criminal organiation...girl scouts of America

watches superman cartoons on saturday mornings religously while wearing red breifs and a table cloth cape

Takes long cross-country trips without mechanical failures
Drives an '04 KJ to the local barbershop where he then stands out front with his organ-grinder for hours on end, every other Wednesday, but ONLY if it is sunny...

A Brownie, but hopeful to move up to the girl Scouts next year. We have the application and are reviewing it.
Has never worked on a jeep before in his life, he actually is still waiting to get his hands on his first one...

Became the first to make an omlette using an actual Jeep concept vehicle.