Make up a total lie about the person above you!

Don't be dishin my dubs homes....cap ya man, for dish-em...
I ain't no dishen ya spinners dude....punk arse kid.....and whats up with all dat bling bling chit hang from your review mirror? Try in for the Mr T look?
^^ got his name from the utility company's mascot, and he hates tornados, last thing you would ever see him doing is chasing one.

Has good taste in hockey teams. His team is gonna win the cup.

Has good taste in hockey teams. His team is gonna win the cup.

Lives in a country where their signature sport is dominated by other countries...

...oops I forgot, I'm supposed to lie. :lol:

^^^^^^Smokes after sex too....funny thing is hes never tasted a cigarette as of yet^^^^^