Make up a total lie about the person above you!

After reading the brokeback mtn thread for the 25th time, he booked first class tickets for him and Sparkles to San Fran to imerse themselves in the alternative lifestyle.

Real life character that "Brokeback Mountin' " was based on....only it was about him, his buddy, and his sheep.
The day he held the cup over his head was a day that he forgot his meds and streaked (yes nekked) out onto the ice, ripping it from Mingez' hands. He was later tackled and beaten by the entire hockey team. Naked body frozen to the ice, they had to have a section of ice heated so they could remove him. He has had a crippling fear of the cold ever since.

^^^^^ hahahahaha beat you too it :lol: ^^^^^^

Was the goalie on the opposing team and let the game willing goal past him while adjusting his cup in front of 10 million screaming fans