Made into the newspaper today

To turn this argument on a tangent for a second or three...
As many of you know I love a good political discussion (argument).
Not only do I follow this entertainment in print but I do it in real life with my friends.
Now most of us here agree with a persons right to Carry concealed, and getting the guns off the street is imposable as is taking them away from legal owners. That point has been argued to death.
But I have been disturbed by the recent rash of campus shootings along with other highly published gun crimes.
My wife, friends and others have talked about how to control guns and those who can get access to them. With nothing less than a country wide gun registry and some sort of national policy that you have to show some sort of ID to own them, nothing comes to mind on how to control them. Many here will argue not to allow this, and so far my little groups has argued this issue to death as well.

But one little suggestion has been plaguing me, what about the ammo...
Could we possibly build a national data base where people would have to register to buy ammo, where you have to pass a back ground check and metal stability check before you can purchase ammo?

The fear most people have comes from history. The nazis first had registration, then confiscation. The aussies first had registration, then had confiscation. The brits first had registration, then had confiscation.
As for mental stability, the fear is the same. WHO decided who is mentally instable? Sure, we don't want some schitzo buying/owning/shooting a gun, but the fear comes from the idea of how far that could go.

Vets coming home who have post traumatic stress can't own a gun? What about the guy who doesn't seek help because he knows it will red flag him? Then you have a person who does need help out there and is not getting it.
If you were to sit every one of us down with a psychiatrist, I'll bet they could find some kind of "mental illness" in every one of us. There is a medical term for everything now; there is no normal anymore.

It's kinda like the whole "assault weapon" thing. Most people could care less about owning one of the guns that were banned, but what happens when the politicians redefine what an "assault weapon" is? Again, look at history. They took them one type at a time in britian and australia.

As for ammo, there is no difference between regulating guns or regulating ammo. One is useless without the other, and given the slipperly slope that we will start down with further restrictions, anyone with any sense would be equally opposed to either.

FWIW, I don't even shoot anymore. I sold all of that off when I got married/ had kids, more out of financial necessity than anything else. Shooting was an expensive hobby and was a luxury that I can't really afford (hopefully gas prices won't do the same to my Jeeps). That said, I still feel VERY strongly about the 2nd amendment, as I feel once it is gone that our other feedoms will follow.
As for ammo, there is no difference between regulating guns or regulating ammo. One is useless without the other, and given the slipperly slope that we will start down with further restrictions, anyone with any sense would be equally opposed to either.

VERY true
I have a Taurus 40 cal medium frame and I love it. They are competitively priced. The one downfall is they are made in Brazil. I love the US, but as far as pistols go, Taurus will be the only manufacturer I will buy.