Hey all. My '97 TJ's been acting weird lately. This morning I woke up and started driving to work. I got about a quarter mile down the road and noticed that she was being kind of hesitant. Wasn't knocking or anything, just kind of jerked when I let the clutch out like there wasn't enough power or something. Well I looked down at the guages and the oil pressure was just above zero. So I turned around and went home...still at zero with the "check guages" light on. So I shut it off and checked for oil leaks and stuff...found nothing. Climbed back in, started it up, and the pressure went up to about 18 psi. still about half of normal, so I started driving to work. I got about a mile down the road and the pressure started climbing again. A half mile later it was sittin pretty at about 38 psi. It did this once about 2 or 3 weeks ago too. Last time I was down the road about 20 miles before I noticed it, this time the engine was cold so it doesn't seem like an oil viscosity issue. I've also been noticing a kind of whistling noise coming from the engine when I turn it off...almost like I'm running a blower or something. Not sure if that's related but I thought I'd throw it in there. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I'm tempted to take it to the dealer and not piss around with oil pressure problems, but would rather not get into the expense if it's something I can handle.