Loss of power


New member

Okay, so here's the situations... and I really hope someone can help me out.

Saturday, went out to do some trail riding this weekend (in the rain of course, think I should have built an Ark)... found out when I got to the trails I had absolutely no power at all... it's happened before and I changed the plugs, and all that sort of thing hoping it would help. Hadn't been to the trails since then to try it out.

My Scrambler (1982, 6 cylinder, auto) seemed to run fine it just wouldn't pull even the slightest hill, let alone some of the mudholes I wanted to play in. It just kept sitting there no matter how much gas it was given. I don't think the transmission is slipping, cause one: I don't here it or feel it, and two: this thing is my daily driver and around town and on the highway it seems to shift okay and all that. Just no power. Any ideas?

Came home disgusted... unable to work on it Sunday due to Father's Day and family stuff, but then I don't have any idea where to start at the moment.

Monday, took my girlfriend's CJ-7 to have new rubber put under it. On the way home, I'm driving along just fine when my Scrambler just died. Lost radio power, CB, ignition, everything except lights (well change that, the turn signals didn't work), the voltmeter wouldn't even move when I turned the key. Starter is good, battery is new, changed the solenoid on the spot still no luck. Oh, and the ignition fuse and all that sort of thing are good too.

Kept fooling with the switch and the steering column (I discovered my column doesn't lock all the time any more) and suddenly it started. Maybe the ignition switch is bad?

Hey ya'll I'm open to suggestions and I really need some help here so anything ya have to offer is appreciated. I can change out the ignition without too much of a problem (I've done it to others), but the whole loss of power and OOMPH has really got me boggled.

Could it possibly be emmissions related (I don't think my vaccuum lines are correctly hooked up that's why I ask)? Is there any way to bypass all those damn lines (I'm going to attempt to eliminate the California emmissions stuff I've found out is on this thing since I live in Virginia and it's not needed). Timing?

HELP!! Oh, and thanks in advance ya'll.




what kind of condition is the alternator in??? have you checked for vacuum leaks?


Alternator is good to go. Haven't found any vacuum leaks... I just have a sneaking suspicion some (most?) of them are in the wrong places... Course figuring out the shop manual is a feat in itself...


Greywolf where at in VA are you located.....I am in Harrisonburg if you know where that is? Nice to know i am not the only jeep on here from VA[addsig]



Quite familier with the Harrisonburg area... I'm in Charlottesville.

We end up on Blakey's Ridge in Madison a lot or Peake's Mountain over on your side.

See Ya,
