locker or spool?

Towing capacity of YJ

If you are going to weld the spider gears then you need to pull the carrier out of the housing. Yeah, I know it's not entirely necessary, but you don't want to get weld spawls all in your bearings and stuck to your gears. So pull it out and use some Anti spatter in the ring gear and bearings.
Here's where some people mess up: dont' weld the spider gears to the carrier. Weld the gears together. You should have a total of 8 beads run on the gears. Welding to the cast carrier will just crack or break.
Let it cool, stick it back in and stab on it!
thanks... so using a higher amperage 145 with .30 wire and agron ( no splatter) better then the stick. If i can convince mike or bruce to let me do it :) :)

you definitely want a high current mig over a stick... a stick creates way too much spatter
I have run lunch box lockers of the lock-rite flavor front and rear for 4 years in my CJ-5. they work great off road. They also don't chirp the tires on pavement unless under decent acceleration. They are noisy when they rachet going around a corner, but 110 weight gear lube will quiet that down. It can be a pain to turn while on the trail, but I don't have power steering so I bet it would be easier with.
Didn't remove either of my diffs when they were MIG welded, what little splatter there is easily scrapes off the ring gear with minimal pressure. What's left easily disentegrates.

You'll have 8 weld areas, filling each gap where two spider gears mesh (4 per side). You shoud have a lot more than 8 beads, you want to really fill those holes with metal, don't skimp. I high amp MIG is the only way to go.

Like I don't have to pull them out. It's a whole lot easier to weld it on a bench though, and those 4 extra bolts really aren't that hard to get out.
You say 8 welds I say 8 beads...I think we are talking about the same thing. You do want to lay a good bead down in there, but actually you dont have to. Anything in between the gears would jam them so they wouldn't turn anyway.
I have heard of people melting bronze and pouring it in between the spider gears so they could melt it out later. I wouldn't suggest this though.
Like I said before just save your money and get a locker, then you'll have that one extra sticker to put on the bumper.
haha i agree... i'm not one for doing things just for the advertising... we welded BBJ's rear... it took some adjusting to get used to the steering, but when used to it... its a great mod

Bye the way: Boggers+welded rear+ice= BAD
Just thought you would like to know.
I don't know. It hasn't iced since I got the Detroit rear. I assume that when I take my foot of the gas going around a turn or engine brake downhill, that it will unlock like it is supposed to.
Afterall, isn't that really when you have problems on ice: turning and braking.

I think that probably just started a whole new thread, so I'll leave that with you more experienced "ice" drivers.