Lincoln Locker pics


Super Moderator
There's been a lot of discussion about Lincoln Lockers and I came across these pics. Three things I would do differently than the pics.
1) use a high amp MIG
2) don't weld the spiders to the carrier
3) add a lot more metal where each gear meshes with the next (8 pockets)

If he welded them to the carrier, it wouldn't work, would it? On his site, he makes it sound like it worked out all right. Do you happen to have any pictures on hand of what it is supposed to look like?
He'll just need a new carrier, maybe. But the spiders should never break if done like this because they aren't taking any of the stress, the weld where the side gear meets the carrier is taking it all. He should have put more on the side gears and left the spiders unwelded if he was going to do it like this, that way if it came apart it might no be so disasterous.
Welding the side gears to the carrier is the way I was taught to do it because you relieve the stress from the gear teeth, which are now weakened because the heat from the welding screwed up the heat treating, and transfer all that stress to the splines in the side gears and the carrier.
we used to weld the diffs in our dirt track racers... we NEVER EVER welded to the carrier... and for non-c-clip axles... we also put a rod diaginal across the spiders and welded that in to add strength and material in there... but with a c-clip style, like most of us have... that is not a good idea
Every one that I have ever seen with the gears welded to the carrier, cracked. I believe that welding only where the gears mesh is the best way to do it. That would give you 8 welds to hold it in place. Even if the welds do crack in between the meshed gears, it would continue to work because you have jammed the teeth of the gears with the weld.
The way they are done in the picture should still work fine though.

Ok so, now you have it welded and "Locked" HOW would you go about making it work on the road?? what has to detach to make the Diff work as intended? Or are you just outta luck and have to deal with the jummping of having the tires Non-Differentiated?
L33TJ33P said:
Ok so, now you have it welded and "Locked" HOW would you go about making it work on the road?? what has to detach to make the Diff work as intended? Or are you just outta luck and have to deal with the jummping of having the tires Non-Differentiated?

That's what a lincoln locker is.. it's full time locked, no disengage.. definitely for a trailer queen or trail only 4x4.
Put my Jeep in the shop this morning to get my front D30 welded up. Told the guy to do the welding and call me to inspect before he put the cover back on. Just want to make sure its done right. Lets see what happens. Im trusting all you Lincoln Locked folks out there. Probably gonna get a lockrite for the rear 35 though.

I am lincoln locker rear. Just a little extra tire wear. Not even that much.
graewulf said:
That's what a lincoln locker is.. it's full time locked, no disengage.. definitely for a trailer queen or trail only 4x4.
Mine's pretty much a daily driver, and I love how the Lincoln Locker performs onroad. Very predictable, a lot less scary than jeeps I've ridden in with Detroit Lockers. Those sudden lane changes and popping from the locking/unlocking of the auto lockers is too much for me. I'll probably never go back to an open diff or auto locker.

I don't recommend welding to the carrier. Tough to get the gears correctly welded to the cast carrier anyway. Best to put as much metal as possible in all 8 pockets where the spider gears mesh. If something breaks, you're still locked due to the amount of metal in between the gears. Then the spiders fall out as a set if you need to remove them, wouldn't do that if you had weld on the carrier.
Going to inspect my front lincoln in an hour or so. Gonna take some pics, Ill post them here when I get them uploaded. Still debating the rear, might just have that done too. Mine is not a daily driver and only sees about 2500 miles per year so I cant imagine even the tire wear would be a problem for me.

Bounty__Hunter said:
Mine's pretty much a daily driver, and I love how the Lincoln Locker performs onroad. Very predictable, a lot less scary than jeeps I've ridden in with Detroit Lockers. Those sudden lane changes and popping from the locking/unlocking of the auto lockers is too much for me. I'll probably never go back to an open diff or auto locker.

I know I've argued this one with you Bounty, and you've sold me on the front w/ a posi lock. In your honest opinion, would it be a bad idea to lincoln lock the rear if it sees daily highway use? Is the only real drawback tire wear? I hate to admit it but you're getting through this hard head :oops:
Tire wear isn't really much of a drawback, not as much as you may think. It'll wear a little quicker, but it's even wear and can be lessened by frequent tire rotation.

I really think they drive great, but you have to drive steady and safely in rain or other slick conditions. Easy throttle around corners and sweeping curves on slick road, any excessive throttle and you'll quickly be facing the way you came. Remember that in the rain you already have lost traction on one rear tire in a curve because the inside tire usually breaks loose to spin faster. You've then only traction in three tires, don't want to push it.

That's basically a warning, I've driven for this way for a few years now, rain, snow, ice, you name it. Just have to really drive it, know what you are doing.

Can't beat the traction and reliability.
I keep telling myself that I am going to weld my rear end, but still haven't done it yet. Too bad I don't have a welder to do it myself. Do you think a local mechanic or rear end specialist would be willing to do it? How much do you think they would charge?

I think anyone with a welder will do it for 20 bucks or less... especially if you do the hard work... which is removing the diff cover, cleaning it, replacing the cover, and filling it... man, i tell ya... back breaking work there
i have a 96 zj which is my DD. its got full time all wheel drive. would locking the front and/or rear by way of lincoln lockers be a bad idea? right now i commute about an hour to and from work, but that is going to be stopping in june. i do some trail riding now, and once my lift and tires go on, more trails, especially when my commute stops.
Ok, My locker smoked a few months ago.. So here are pics of the fix. This was not a stardard open carrier.


This was a 220 mig Stainless wire. Pure argon. This is after beating the Hell out of it. Still holding up great. No signs of weekness.

axle swap ???

are you still able to remove it if necessary?