Lift Options


New member
Im thinking about lifting my jeep since im gonna have the body off. I know body lifts arent the way to go but they seem the cheapest. Origanally i was gonna go for the 3" body lift but i've heard bad things. People were telling me i should only do a 1" body lift and go for a suspension lift. The only problem with that is they are so expensive and im hurting for money, so that throws that option out the window at this time. The 3rd lift i have heard people talking about is a shackle lift. I've heard people say you can almost get 2 inches of lift this way. If this is true, i would have a total of 3" because of the 1" body lift. Im not sure how much a shackle lift would cost or how high it really does lift a jeep. Any suggestions on the whole lift thing. I want to go back and do a suspension lift in about a year or so, when i get some money, but for now im looking for a cheap good looking way to go. Any ideas where i can get a 1" body lift for fairly cheap and a shackle lift kit for cheap . . . if they are cheap??? By the way, im driving a 63 cj-5 :shock:

Get yourself a suspention lift right off and save the heart ache of taken off the stuff you do to save money! Body lift 1 to 1.5 inch max. As for a shackle lift the are 2 inchs in shackle to gain 1 inch of lift so you have these big ol long shackles hanging down to catch on stuff that route. Go to for a great price on a lift. Yea I know most people here are not treal fond of the Rough Country lifts but I loved mine and had no problems with it and it was not that much to get her lifted. Good Luck and wait till you can do it right and you will be glad you did. tug
So dont go much more than an 1" on the body lift and shackles are a no-no. I'll do the 1" lift right away since im gonna have the body off anyways, but the suspension is gonna have to wait. Im 16, in high school, and have no job. . . suspension is definitly gonna have to wait. Thanks for the link, ill check it out.

wow... i just typed a 5000 word essay for a reply to this.. and my internet explorer shut down on me...

here goes again...

if you want cheap... here you go...

suspension... add-a-leaf kit, quite cheap from distributors... but even cheaper if you make them yourself... they are simply curved leafs that you can find at any spring shop.. or cheaper yet, from the junkyard... i got 2" of lift for $15, try to hear my complain about that, won't happen...

Shackles... yeah, you can do it... go for about 1-1.5 only... I got a complete kit to do a 1.5 inch for 30 bucks... included everything...

body lift... you can make them, or you can buy them... they are inexpension either way... i priced one for myself at the local hardware store... $25 for 2" is not bad...

there we have it... 5.5 inches of lift for about $70... not so bad.. but you have to be crafty
1975 Factory CJ Column Mount Tachometer Wiring

Hey Jeeprostyle, I'm in the same situation you are. 16 in high school and hurtin for money. I want to put a lift, tires, etc on my girl but it ain't happening. I'm doin like tug said and savin my money. Doin it right the first time saves money in the end. You may not get it now but it'll be all that much sweeter when you get it.
Thanks for all the advice. I think im just gonna do the 1 inch body lift for now since im gonna have the tub off anyways for some body work. Get some nice poly-urethane bushing or something for fairly cheap and then save, save, save for that beautiful 4 inch suspension lift. Then save, save, save some more for those nice 33 inch mudders . . . hehe. We'll get there raptor, in time. And your quote is very true, its still a jeep, stock or lifted. Still beautiful machines either way.

1963 jeep cj-5, stock . . . for now :mrgreen:

Glad we could help. Let me know how it goes. Maybe we can compare how our projects go.
if you have a welder, you can also relocate your body mounts while they are off... that is the best way to go about it

What do you mean, relocate the body mounts. I have a welder, so i could do it, but explain what you mean by relocating the body mounts.
you can grind off the body mounts that are on the frame now... and either make more, or keep the old ones and weld them on higher...