Ok, I was just wondering if I see a good place to offroad off the side of the highway, or off the side of the road anywhere, is it legal to drive on that land if there are no signs or fences saying otherwise?
I say if it's not private property, there are no signs saying otherwise, and you pay your taxes.... you have every right. i mean, really, what are they gonna do? pull you over? "We're already pulled over as far as we can sir!! We can't pull over any more!" hehehe.. but really though. it may be a grey area, but you aren't endangering anyone by doing it. Just go for it until you're told otherwise.:twisted:
i allways try ta find the land owner get permission who knows that land owner may have better spots for ya ta wheel and if a cop sees ya and trys ta ticket ya tell himn i know the owner and have permission otherwise sneak in dont get stuck and sneak back out if they see the mud on the truck later say hey i swerved ta miss a deer lol heheheh has worked for me manyof times lol
It's ok to tell your wife! Mine knows her, our son, and our unborn baby(coming in august) are the top on my love scale. Followed by my gram, mother, father, other family members. But she knows my jeep is right at the top of level two on my love scale! Lol! She catches me looking out the window at it ALL the time lmao!