Last person to comment wins $20

Sitting in the corner waiting for everyone to loose intrest....then swoop in for the win.

Just have to wait.....yes waiting is good....soon that twenty will be mine. My precious twenty.....

Sent from my PG86100 using Jeepz
went to a caloosa jeepers meet and greet last week and i saw a couple, one jeepacorns steed as so big i swear i could have walked under it without ducking, now thats what i call... a woman ;)
Still jeepless!!!! Called yesterday. They are supposed to be finishing today. Just alignment left she says! I'm waiting on a call. I'll be calling before close if they don't call me. Maybe I should just get a hotel over there. Go sit outside the shop every day. Actually, I don't think they have any hotels in that town. I know they have a bar. That's where I went after I dropped the jeep off... So I could figure out how to get the 100miles back to DC. Figured if anyone would know how to find transport for someone that couldn't drive, it'd be a bar tender. Lol

TrailRatedRN said:
Still jeepless!!!! Called yesterday. They are supposed to be finishing today. Just alignment left she says! I'm waiting on a call. I'll be calling before close if they don't call me. Maybe I should just get a hotel over there. Go sit outside the shop every day. Actually, I don't think they have any hotels in that town. I know they have a bar. That's where I went after I dropped the jeep off... So I could figure out how to get the 100miles back to DC. Figured if anyone would know how to find transport for someone that couldn't drive, it'd be a bar tender. Lol

sorry ive missed out for a while, im a little behind, trailrated why is it in the shop?