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Just as soon as you put the 30 in tires on there it may be legal. Well then you'd have to take it on a trail. I'd have a belt buckle or a bolo slide, broach made out of it. Something to wear.

As for Fiat forums, you sound like a shoe in for a mod.
Something I can wear... Wouldn't that advertise that I am trail rated. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I don't want to be ridden on the trails.
Still sutured. The wound is not closing well. Been taking antibiotics for a month now. Any of you who know what that does to a body will empathize. Still tender on the right side, but doing better. My face hurts a lot. The area around my right eye is paralyzed, so if I raise my eyebrows I look like Elvis. I'm taking a lot of showers. I smell good, but my skin is getting so dry. It's making my shoulders look like mountain tops and I can't do anything about it because of the wound. On the plus side, he pulled on the skin to get the wound closed at the top of my head, so I don't have wrinkles on my forehead anymore.
Of all this, I just miss my Monty.
Saw a few Tj's here on my travel that are for sale. You know every tj you see, you check out, esp if its on. Lot. I didn't spot any unlimited s thouugh.
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Hmm I thought Brown's were in the toilet bowl... Doah...... ! Jus playin.

How did that little cherry car do in he snow today?

It's doesn't have enough weight to stay on the road. If it starts slipping, there's no getting out of it. I drove with and without ESC. I couldn't get it easily controlled, not to mention I have spent the last 7 years in a rear wheel drive. I suppose I'll get used to it eventually, but at the present time, if I loose control on the road, I'm SOL. I've always felt in control of the jeep and been able to get it out of a tail spin. I am trying to remember, was it not the case when I first bought it...
I guess small cars do have their benefits. The guy in front was taking 2 spots. Hehe. Who leaves first...


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