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Good luck. I'll be thinking about you. Is this just a cosmetic surgery, or are you having issues after the crash?
Closing the hole in my head that exposed my skull. Were some minor complications with the closure, but nothing life threatening. Right now I feel like a cartoon character that someone has grabbed ahold by the hair and is pulling me up so hard that my skin is coming up. Lol. The surgery to fix my face will have to be in a few mo's. He says he has to let it heal before he can fix it.
Thanks for all the good wishes.

God will be with you all he way , He will see you through . Your courage and faith is strong . We respect that . Our courage and faith is with you too . Our TrailRated RN will always be here .
We know you'll always get back on your horse after a fall . This is just who you are .
Nothing stops you and nothing holds you back . I'm only here just less than a year and I know this. For all who know you longest , their faith will always be there and all will be right there with you . I guess The Lord has His ways of making us strong . You will be stronger than ever .
All right, I've been able to think a little about purchasing a new ride and here is what I'm thinking. Hear me out. My husband just bought a new car and we have 2 years left til we own it. Rather than add another car payment on, I was thinking about buying a little subcompact car outright. Then buy a jeep when his car is paid off. As a travel nurse, this little car would save me lots in gas on my trips across country. Of course, I know nothing of these clown cars and don't really want one, but maybe is the best for me right now. When I feel like getting around, thought I'd start looking at the fiat 500 since guys in the street want to make love to it. Lol
Your plan is actually very practical and sensible . I would have to say I agree this will work well for you . We'll just have to be brave and get past the part about you having to drive a compact .
just concerned about your protection .
All right, I've been able to think a little about purchasing a new ride and here is what I'm thinking. Hear me out. My husband just bought a new car and we have 2 years left til we own it. Rather than add another car payment on, I was thinking about buying a little subcompact car outright. Then buy a jeep when his car is paid off. As a travel nurse, this little car would save me lots in gas on my trips across country. Of course, I know nothing of these clown cars and don't really want one, but maybe is the best for me right now. When I feel like getting around, thought I'd start looking at the fiat 500 since guys in the street want to make love to it. Lol

once you buy something else it will be hard to get back into one...

Buy a Used Honda or Toyota. There pretty bullet proof. They'll usually go to 300k (if need be). Resale is good.. there's always someone who'll buy it. I bought my latest 1997 Accord with 140k miles for 2300. I will drive it to death like I did the last one (1993 hit 286k Mile's before passing on).

Closing the hole in my head that exposed my skull. Were some minor complications with the closure, but nothing life threatening. Right now I feel like a cartoon character that someone has grabbed ahold by the hair and is pulling me up so hard that my skin is coming up. Lol. The surgery to fix my face will have to be in a few mo's. He says he has to let it heal before he can fix it.
Thanks for all the good wishes.

How's the head doing?
How's the head doing?
Haven't had any complaints yet. Hehe. Name the movie.

There is an infection in the wound. I was taking abx prior to surgery, but it is still there. Changed to a different abx today. Hope this kicks it. Pain is less than it was as far as headaches go. Site is extremely tender to the touch and it feels like needles are being randomly stabbed into the surgery site. Moving my neck better, but still do not have full range of motion. Tried to drive and I cannot turn my head far enough to see the blind spot in the hubby's car. :(

Thanks for asking. It's nice to know my community is there, even tho I can't be a jeeper right now. Idk if I can still be a member of my local club. Their next meeting is Friday. I'll find out then if I'm club less.
Haven't had any complaints yet. Hehe. Name the movie.

There is an infection in the wound. I was taking abx prior to surgery, but it is still there. Changed to a different abx today. Hope this kicks it. Pain is less than it was as far as headaches go. Site is extremely tender to the touch and it feels like needles are being randomly stabbed into the surgery site. Moving my neck better, but still do not have full range of motion. Tried to drive and I cannot turn my head far enough to see the blind spot in the hubby's car. :(

Thanks for asking. It's nice to know my community is there, even tho I can't be a jeeper right now. Idk if I can still be a member of my local club. Their next meeting is Friday. I'll find out then if I'm club less.
Excuse me sis,but I gotta disagree with you as to weather or not your a jeeper. No one can argue the fact that you are one. It's in your heart and soul, such as mine. You even took it a step furthur then I shall by getting a tattoo. My heart goes to you,there is not a doubt in my mind you will be slinging mud again.

Hey, Where's the jeep? Can anything be salvaged? Can it be bought back from the insurance company and be parted out. Or cut it up yourself for spare parts, just a thought.
Hey, Where's the jeep? Can anything be salvaged? Can it be bought back from the insurance company and be parted out. Or cut it up yourself for spare parts, just a thought.
. The jeep is in Florida. Mashed after rolling several times. It's a mess. I'll need the insurance money from the jeep to buy another car and pay bills. Still waiting on a check. My funds are getting low as I have been off work since the accident. I don't have disability.

Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 1988

Gennybro from Catskill Mountains in Upstate NY 2014. Currently in Virginia,waiting for spring. Yahoo the days are getting longer, hang in there baby.